To anyone who was at the game; RE: the 100 yrd pick six

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Sarc Dawg

New member
Nov 9, 2003
I sit in section R row 13. I saw Titus crush SJPW and saw the ball just float out there, but I didn't get a good look at the actual catch because my 5'-2" wife had climbed up on the bleacher in front of me and was jumping up and down. I managed to see him beat the OL down the sideline, but spent the last 50 yards yelling and trying to keep said wife (who is also 4.5 months pregnant) from climbing and jumping all over the poor guys in front of us. To say she went beserk would be an understatement- I've never seen that look from her, ever.

Funny thing is, as soon as the extra point was kicked she turned to me and asked for $10. She calmly said "I'm going to get some nachos." It was like a switch had been flipped.

bulldog saints fan

New member
May 23, 2006
I was on student section on about the 40 yard line. When AJ picked it off and I saw he had the one offensive lineman to beat I completely lost it yelling and jumping up and down. About mid jump i remembered i had better look for flags. There were none and I continued to scream, high five random people, and get mixed drinks thrown on me. It was awesome.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
Anthony Johnson gave me a good chuckle in one of his post game interviews. I'm paraphrasing, because I don't remember the exact quote, but it went something like this: "We went into the huddle, and I said guys, we need to get an interception and return it for a touchdown. Then I just went out and made it happen."

It was almost as if Anthony Johnson was saying that he decided to call the "interception for touchdown" formation, and it worked.


New member
Aug 28, 2007
I had alot of built up emotion just listening to Finebaum and other sports talk shows and listening to them bash State. I was fired up all week and when sat. came, hell I was wishing that I could suit up because I had that much built up energy and frustration in me ready to come out. I too had to listen to an obnoxious bama fan for almost two quarters and my emotion was building up even more from listening to his ignorant ***.

When I saw the play unfolding, my 1st thought was we just stopped them because I knew either Titus was going to sack him or he was going to throw it away. After the ball was in the air and I saw AJ about to pick it off, I started to ring my cowbell even harder and yell even louder. As I saw AJ running with ball with blockers in front and an OL trying to run him down and realized we were about to score and take the lead before half, I laced into that bama fan letting out all my pent-up emotion of 6-1/2 years of being laughed at. I rang my cowbell beside his ear and just yelled Roll Tide in his face as sarcastic as I could. Needless to say, he didn't talk **** the rest of the game but that was one of the best feelings. Just getting to get all that frustration out to an obnoxious bama fan that didn't think in a million years that State could beat their saban worshipped team.

I just know that I can't wait to listen to Finebaum today and listen to all the BS that will be spewed out today.
Nov 11, 2007
AJ is definitely a player. Also, if you go back and watch the play, just before the ball is snapped Zach Smith turns and says something to AJ. I imagine it was something along the lines of: "get ready it's coming to you."

Zach played a great game, and I believe he was the one that made the hit to keep the runner out of the endzone on second down.


New member
Nov 11, 2007
Literally. I was screaming so loud that I forgot to breathe. I started seeing the black around the edges of my eyes, so I had to sit down (after he scored of course). Of course, it might have something to do with the fact that I hadn't eaten anything all day, and I was hung over from the night before. That was the loudest I have ever heard that stadium. Pure joy and excitement. I will never forget that moment of watching him run up the sideline and blowing by that lineman with no yellow hankies on the ground (a miracle in and of itself considering the penalties leading up to that play).


New member
Aug 20, 2006
1) The pick
2) By the time AJ reaches the Bama 30 and everybody sees there are no flags and nobody is gonna catch him
3) AJ reaches the endzone


4) Titus slams JPW to the ground on the last play of the game


May 24, 2006
I was 50 yard line on the East side, bout 8 rows up. We had 4 Bama fans sitting next to us, a fairly old woman, hubby and 2 sons. I saw Titus read the play perfectly and the ball start to float in the air. These Bama fans had this we-are-better-than-you smirk on their faces up until this point. And in the matter of seconds, it was like someone had kicked their dog in the nuts when AJ caught the ball.

Like others have said, I didn't think pick-6 from the get-go. I was just ecstatic that we intercepted the ball and held Bama scoreless right before the half. When AJ caught the ball, I started beating my cowbell on the bleachers and then on the ground like I was mad or something, releasing all of these emotions that seemed like they had been bottled up for years. I then looked up to see that he was still running and I was just all over the place. When he scored, I started woooo'ing like I was Rick Flair at one of the Bama kids, flexing my arms and yelling 'How bout them ******* bulldawgs!!!!' to this old lady. Pretty classy, I know, but it was bedlum and I couldn't control myself.

I immediately walked up to the Club Level, where my folks were sitting, snuck in where everybody was smoking and poured up 2 rather strong bourbon drinks, and proceeded to get hammered the rest of the day. What a Saturday! What a great day to be a Bulldawg!! This play will definitely live in infamy for years to come. I'm really glad I was there and apart of it.

skip dog

Nov 15, 2005
Was on the sofa, trying to finish some paperwork during timouts & commercials. Wife & dog still asleep & i kept watching the stats on the laptop shaking my head wondering why we couldn't get the TD.....on paper we were hanging w/ them through the first half.

That morning I had decided to go w/ the lucky black hat that had been worn for the UK game that I did not even turn on until 5 minutes to go in the 4th quarter.

Anyway, wife wakes up & comes in during the "4th" timout, she carefully asks "how are we doing".....I give her a game breakdown in about 5 seconds, & refrence last years goal line stand

I tell her we need a pick6 something awful, she goes"what's that", I go "an int. for a td damnit".....heart rate high at this point

Jpw drops right in a play action, see Titus w/ the angle, ball flies & see AJ squating for the

Hat gets profoundly thrown to the ground, as we yell thinks armageddon is upon us. We're both watching the run & about the 25 AJ raises the ball & starts highstepping.......we both yell 'he's steppin' it in'.....but the best part, was you could tell the stadium was real loud, but when AJ raised the ball, it didn't get a little louder, it got a whole lot louder.

I looked for the cowbell......normally by the TV, didn't see it, wife knew, she said 'behind the TV' followed w/ a 'not in the house'......I grabbed it, went outside, & released 6 years of was the best.

Now, the biggest problem was I found my hat when I got back in, & the clasp was destroyed....obsessive/compulsive kicked in big time....I am very superstitous when it comes to athletics.....spent all of halftime trying to get the clasp back on & in a state of new, not repair, b/c it was new in the first half......took all of halftime, frantically tweaking the repair, but got it......& for the rest of the game I was working like hell on that paperwork during timeouts & commercials.

2 bama fans in the neighborhood, we always visit on Sunday evenings when they walk by w/ their families, they were very arrogant last Sunday........I had cowbell on the counter for when they came by........both of them choose to not participate in their families Sunday evening walk.

Victory is sweet


Nov 15, 2005
The one I bought at the Super Regional back in the spring.

I also was wearing it during the Auburn game, thus it is now my "lucky" t-shirt.


Jun 11, 2007
First of all, everything was going wrong for me that morning. I was in a terrible mood going into the stadium, ready to take my frustrations out on my cowbell and vocal chords. The first half and the anemic offensive play had drained me pretty bad. Then, when the refs started helping Bama like I knew was coming eventually, and they got down to a first and goal, I was depressed and sat down with my head in my hands, trying (and failing) to tell myself it's just a game and I shouldn't get so upset about it.

I was surrounded by my friends and my fiancee to my left. We were in the student section directly across the aisle from the aforementioned chest-painted Bama fan. After first down, my friend to my right tapped me on the shoulder, "We stopped em. We stopped em." I nodded, while thinking, "I'm not going to stand up just to watch them score and piss me off even more." Second down, more excited, "We stopped them again." My fiancee rubs me on the back, trying to make me get out of my funk. I look up at her and she has a, "Dear Lord, what have I gotten myself into?" look on her face. I told her, "I can't stand up now. What if I curse us?" That didn't make her look go away, by any means. Although, I was thinkning, "Man, they're running out of time. We might can make a big play here." Obviously, I wasn't thinking pick-six, but maybe a sack or something and make them run out of time. But I refused to stand up, put my face back in my hands, and waited.

I heard the initial excitement, then silence, then explosion. My friend on my right is yelling, "We picked it off!" As I'm drunkenly trying to get to my feet, I notice the crowd is continuing to get louder, and he starts yelling, "We're gonna run it back!" I made it to my feet when AJ was at about the thirty, and started going nuts. My friend in front of us, who I swear hates Bama more than he loves State, even though he denies this, turns around and snatches my fiancee's cowbell and runs over in the chest-painted Bama fan's face and rings it as hard as he can. I didn't see this but is what he claimed afterwards. I was too busy running in between aisles high-fiving everyone I could find. It felt like it had begun to drizzle and the smell of bourbon was filling the air.

I then sat down and tried not to die/throw up for the entire halftime. If we're gonna start having games like that consistently, I need to start working out.


New member
Aug 26, 2006
That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I was talking to the guy in front of me about how similar this was to last year and how funny it would be to stuff them aGAIN. Then as he was making a comment about not wanting another damn postcard, Titus breaks through the line of scrimage towards JPW. The guy yells out pick before the ball is thrown. When Johnson grabbed it and started running it was a madhouse. We were soaked by god knows what. People were jumping up and down screaming and ringing their cowbells so hard I would be willing to bet that at least 1000 of them simultaneously lost their clappers (I know at least one did because the Bama fan sitting in our area got pegged hard by one.)

It was so loud it was almost unbelievable. I could no longer hear what the people next to me were saying, or trying to say. And the best part about it was the noise did not stop during the PAT, or the timeout. It was that loud for a good 2 to 3 minutes. It was definitely the best celebration that I have ever been a part of.

Would it register on a Richter Scale? Probably not. Does Saban know what cowbells sound like now? Most Definitely!!


New member
Feb 18, 2007
I sit in E row 54 and was getting a sick feeling in my stomach thinking Alabama was going to go up 16 to 0 at half. I had been yelling my *** off at the 4 timeouts the refs. gave Alabama and was thinking well same **** different year. Then.Titus Brown came off the corner like a crazed animal and pick John Parker Wilson up like a ragged doll and ***** slammed his *** to the ground. About that time Anthony Johnson caught the ball in the end-zone and I started screaming and then he started running down the side line and I started yellingand then jumping and yelling. During my jumping I accidentally was jumping up and down on the wifes purse. (broke all her ****) We were high fiving, yelling no flags, no flags, and the place was crazy. That has to be the greatest play I have ever seen at MSU. All the Poo stabbing Alabama fans sitting in the $400.00 dollar seats to the right of me never said a word after that. Not one, dead silence.

Thank you coach and players for giving me hope again and for the memory that I will be talking about for years.


New member
Aug 20, 2006
EJ made the perfect call and our players read Bama like a book. We couldn't have defended that any better if Bama had called that play out to our huddle.

An Alabama reporter criticized Applewhite's call on that play, saying "Titus brown gave the play fake all the respect it deserved (none), and went straight for Wilson".

JPW was under pressure all day and had been throwing away passes which were sailing clear over the team benches and into or over the shrubs in front of the bleachers. That Wilson couldn't throw that interception half way through the endzone shows how fast Titus was all up in his grill.

Then AJ makes an easy pick and, after having been on the field for Bama's 80 yard drive to this point, proceeds to out-sprint 11 Bammers for 104 yards. It may have helped that Titus had enough awareness to lay on top of Wilson as AJ flew by - what a player.

Then - a sea of ecstasy. I made a point to look around the stadium. Bodies hopping up and down, hats flying, arms flailing. Unbridled excitement everywhere.

Easily, a play for the ages.

We'll know the whole administration has turned the corner if the pick 6 makes it on the jumbotron for the 2007 Egg Bowl pregame.


New member
Nov 11, 2007
For the first time since I was in school (88-92) I dropped my tickets this year--new baby eked ahead on the priority scales--so, as per my new routine, I sat alone at home watching the game (thanks to my bride for hitting the road with our daughter for 3 hours each weekend).

As most of us are want to do, I was dreaming up fantasies of how we could stop them and still come back from a 12-3 deficit, or better yet, what if we got a pick 6? Maybe even a Josh Morgan BYU style fumble return? I also thought about last year's stand and Anthony Derrick's Auburn runback. But it was over and I "knew" it. Another week of Bulldog Buildup with a Bulldog Bust Saturday.

It unfolded at first as if in slo motion. I had time to think "don't drop it", and he didn't. Next I considered carefully the fact that he was not in full forward motion on the pick, so there was little chance of a runback, but then he got up to speed pretty quickly. Then I thought, he'll have to clear traffic, and that will slow him down enough for someone to get the angle. I was just going through the obligatory "where's the flag" process when it was suddenly interrupted by AJ holding the ball aloft prior to reaching the land of milk and honey--DON'T FUMBLE DUDE!!. And then he scored. No flag indicator on the TV.

I clapped once, and hit my finger on my ring--might've popped a blood vessel. I started to yell, then realized I'd been doing so. So I could stop since there was no one to listen. Looked around for someone to hug, but it was just me. So I just stood there until the half ended, then paced behind the couch for awhile. Then I sat down and wiped away a droplet of water that somehow found its way under my eyelid. And started thinking of how we'd probably still find a way to blow it in the second half.

Excuse Me Flo

New member
Jun 4, 2007
It was a great moment, but I didn't get to enjoy it quite like I wish I could have. Being a state fan, this was my thinking.

Titus got on him quick, so no roughing the passer.

Hell yeah, we intercepted (from high up I could see a clear road ahead with only a lineman with the angle)

I had to stop yelling and focus on that lineman I knew we would block in the back.

Once he was past I resumed yelling til he crossed the goal.

Then had to do one more sweep over the whole field for the yellow hanky. Luckily I never found it then went back to yelling.
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