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BTN analyst Jake Butt talks Purdue

On3 imageby:Tom Dienhart04/14/24

TomDienhart1 Video: Purdue Wr Coach Cory Patterson, Spring Practice No. 14 - Sd 480p

Former Michigan tight end Jake Butt was on the call for Purdue’s spring game on Saturday. What were his thoughts? We caught up with the All-American and Mackey Award winner who is an analyst for Big Ten Network.

MORE: Spring football content portal | Observations from Purdue’s spring football game | Walters readies for portal opening | Spring game photo gallery

Q: What did you think of the offense?

A: All of this is with a grain of salt, because, as you know, it’s a spring game, especially when it’s thud tempo for the “ones.”

I felt, particularly the “one” offensive line, looked really good. I mean, it felt like Hudson (Card) had all day. I also felt he looked really decisive, like he was crisp with his decisions. When he had time, he was able to move around a good bit. And, for the most part, he put the ball where it needed to be.

I liked what I saw out of the receivers. Tra’Mar Harris looked good. There were a couple of those guys that stood out. I also I think you guys might have something with Marcos Davila.

I thought he looked really good, certain, sure of himself. Usually, that’s a limiting factor for these freshmen. Clearly, he’s got talent. He can throw the ball. But what was really encouraging is it felt like he knew where the ball was supposed to go. And he did it on time and he did it within rhythm. Good chemistry with some of those young receivers.

I think getting Reggie Love is going to be a huge, huge help for the team. But, overall, I thought the “one” offense looked pretty solid.

But, at the same time, you get a touchdown on a busted coverage. That was the same issue that happened last year.

Q: What did you think of Max Klare?

A: There were a few times where he was open, but they didn’t get the ball to him. So, I mean, he’s gonna be a weapon. With those, it just comes down to play-calling and quarterback, are they gonna get him the ball when they need to get him the ball? Where does he fit into the rhythm? But, I mean, that dude’s talented. He moves really well. He’s super fluid. I don’t see why he shouldn’t catch 45, 50 balls this year.

I really liked the o-line. And that’s not even their starting five. I really liked what the receivers did for a good bit of it. But, they’re missing a couple of key pieces.

It just looks like the team, it almost is undeniable that they’ve taken a step. Obviously deeper, more competitive. The o-line looked much bigger, seriously, like night and day in terms of size.

But, the question is, we pulled up that schedule a few times. That is a brutal schedule. Man, that is an absolutely brutal schedule. So, you know: How good can they be? Can they be good enough to get to six (wins)?

Q: Anything on the defense catch your eye?

A: Will Heldt, stud. Long arms. I really liked him. I think they got something with him. (Dillon) Thieneman was good.

We hadn’t called Kydran Jenkins name until like a series in. And then, as soon as we got to highlight him, he was making plays. So, even though he’s off the ball, it felt like he was still in position, especially when they used him as what we call “green dogs,” where he wasn’t always a blitzer, but he was kind of a spy and then whichever way the quarterback went, goes and leaves the pocket, then that’s his time to go. I do like that aspect, and they weren’t afraid to walk him up on the line of scrimmage a couple of times and let him work from there. But, again, it’s thud tempo, so it’s hard to say, especially in the run game, flow and everything.

I didn’t see enough from the DBs. It was hard for me to see everything at once in terms of some of the matchups.

Q: How about up front on defense?

A: The size in the trenches was noticeable. I think it’s really encouraging to see some of those younger guys. I kept looking down at my sheet and I’m seeing sophomore, I’m seeing freshmen. I made the point that what (Ryan) Walters does about as good as anybody is recruiting. He’s a phenomenal personality and a great recruiter. So, I hope that community can say that, even if it’s challenging this year, once again, let’s give him some time to build this because there’s a good blend of young talent and veteran presence on this team.

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