Video: Nick Bell Memorial by Slickdawg

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
Rah rah rah. It seems a winning football team is
what always brings anyone associated with a University together, but
it's more than that. It's the feeling of inclusion, of belonging, that
you matter, that you are on the same page with everyone else who wears
the University's colors. What started with Greg Byrne, and now
continues with Keenum and Stricklin is so much more than just building a
football program. They are rebuilding the MSU family. They understand
and realize that for us to move forward, we need to come together like a
family. Yes, it sounds cheesy, but that's what it is. From Keenum and
Stricklin, all the way down to the $100 a month Bulldog Club member who
lives a thousand miles away. We're all important, and not in the "this
is what it takes to win" way. It's in the "this is what it takes to
make MSU great way." Great as in we celebrate every victory, we respect
the bell to keep the bell, we move to keep our campus the most
beautiful in the country, we move toward increasing enrollment, we move
toward increasing the educational opportunities available to the
students, and we mourn together as well.

I sit here amazed at
how emotional I and other MSU fans are at the passing of Nick Bell. He
was friends with many, an acquaintance to many more, but most of us
never met him. Most of us just know he was #36. But he played for
MSU. My MSU, your MSU, the MSU that our leadership has given to us. We
didn't lose a football player, we lost a Bulldog. But his short two
years at MSU have given us an avenue to come together in a way that far
outweighs any victory, and bowl game, or any championship. In passing,
he's given thousands of strangers the opportunity to know what it really
means to be part of something larger than themselves. A true MSU

This may be sappy and cheesy, but it's how I feel. I've
never been more proud to be a Bulldog. God bless Nick Bell and his
family, and thank you for a life that was well spent.
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