Username origins......per Meoff's request!

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Jul 20, 2008
Since Mr. Meoff suggested, here goes.

Drail14me = "derail one for me"

Origin = Back in my railroad days in the mid 90's, I was late getting home one night due to our train derailing. When I got home, the girl friend was waiting on me. She was in bed and "ready!". I apologized for being late and told her that I was late because the train had derailed. She said "Why don't you come here and derail one for me!" Oddly enough, a few minutes after she said that, the Quad City DJ's " C'mon N ride it" came on the radio. A few days later, she sent me "come drail14me" in a text and it stuck. And there you have it.

Meoff, you wanna go next!


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
Lived in and around Hernando my whole life. Went by DesotoDawg on Genes Page until the banhammer came down upon me. Not to be confused with DesotoDog.


May 24, 2006
Hell I was barely even emailing in the mid 90's..

My name comes from the tv show, Family Guy - for those much older than my generation who have no clue what Family Guy is...

Although in real life I go by my first name (or last name to most of my friends..), my middle name is Brian. There it is.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
was originally from a Sunday School message board. vhdawg then started calling me Todd4State at Sunday school and he kept saying that he couldn't wait to see Todd4State on sixpackspeak.

Back when Fred Reid played at MSU, he was #5, and whenever he would make a play, vh, megadawgmaniac, avid reader that's not THE avid reader and me would hold up five fingers. One night before a choir performance, vh yells out "Todd4State!" and then I flashed four fingers at vh, and it has perpetuated my legend at church. Now when I go to church, my friends all hold up four fingers at me a la Fred Reid.

To go a step further, and one step closer to cult status, I adopt whoever number four is on the MSU football team as my favorite player. So, right now, that's Charles Mitchell.

And now you know the rest of the story.


Jun 4, 2007
Was going to school and working at EMCC when I joined...enough said.
Everyone now assumes I grew up there or something...4 years was enough time in Kemper County.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
Hatfield is a widespread panic song and I am from ms. Been my screen name on damn near every message board I have been on since I first signed up for one back in 97


Jul 20, 2008
about 10-15 years old in the mid 90's. However, I'd derail her train today if she'd let me!!!!


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
a creature that is half cat and half dog and the the two halves fight all the time. WhenI first signed up on GenesPage, I had seen the cartoon with my 5-year old son the weekend before and it was pretty funny.

Meoff has a good story to tell about where his username came from.</p>


Jul 20, 2008
I worked on the "Extra Board" for the railroad. Basically, I was called in whenever someone else took off, called in sick, didn't show up or what ever at the last minute. Needing someone to fill that spot for that shift or train, they would call me. I was on call 24/7 and when I got that call, I had 90 minutes to be at work no matter where I was. If for some reason, the railroad tried to call me but was not able to reach me, I had what was called a "missed call" and it was MY FAULT that I missed the call. Y'all have "missed calls" all the time now but the railroad would fire us if we had one. Now, their idea of being "fired" was actually just being suspended without pay for up to 30 days. Anyway, unless I wanted to be tied to the house phone 24/7 waiting on a phone call from the railroad, I had to keep up with the latest technology.

Mr Meoff

New member
Jul 31, 2008
Kidding. The real story:

A few years back, after being asked a second time to leave genespage and never come back (under a different username), I was sitting at my desk just starting to waste time on this "Six Pack" I had heard about, when I got buzzed by our receptionist -- "There's a Mr. Meoff on the phone for you." I knew immediately this was my buddy who was notorious for calling and abusing our beautiful air-head up front. She would never flinch when he said he was "Heywood Jablome", "Hugh Jass", "Seymour Bush" or whatever... She was very hot and very clueless. Or, as I called her -- perfect.

Anyway, when she said Mr. Meoff was on the line, I said "I don't know him -- ask him what his first name is". She came back about 30 seconds later and said, completely serious: "He wouldn't tell me, but he said he would show me later. He sounds weird." I took the call, and my username was set.


New member
Jun 25, 2006
Saddawg, because Jackie had left and a true cigar boy, now deceased, told me who we were probably gonna hire.

We drank a bottle of scotch together that night in our shared misery.

I was a sad sumbitch that night, which was the same night I signed up here.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
me and my old man were ecstatically over-served at my old apartment above bin 612 after an eggbowl victory and being huge fans of The Band, we were crushing booze and jamming their tunes. "The Night they drove Ole Dixie Down" seemed to be all too relevant while we were in our booze filled euphoric states.

"The night they drove Ole Dixie down....and the bells were ringing...."

Sadly I didnt do my research and failed to add the E to the end of "Caine". Then that no talent *** clown on Nafoom (really have no beef except that we basically have the same username) conveniently started an account about 6 months later with the alternate spelling....Do NOT confuse me with the "Virgil Caine" from Nafoom.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
so many great ones wear that number.

Nolan Ryan
Walter Payton
Earl Campbell
Kerry Wood

Also, I'm Coach34 because HD6 banned my original name after I went off on him about a month after I joined in 2003.


Dec 3, 2008
M.Div. with a missions emphasis and thena Ph.D. in Theology. The school is located across Appling Rd from Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, TN.

I just finished my first semester as an adjunct prof, teaching at their extension at FBC, Oxford. For a dawg, this was a goodfall to make a weekly trip to Oxford. This is my second (or third?) username. I've been reading the board for years, posting only occasionally.</p>


Mar 21, 2009
people at work called me marty mcfly from back to the future then it shortened to mcfly and it has kinda stuck


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
Yeah, right...

When I was a sophomore in college, and on my 3rd year as an aspiring guitar player, I bought a guitar magazine with a cover that looked like this:

I was a Metallica and G'n'R fan for the most part, but there was a transcription in there for a song called Eruption by Van Halen, which I don't believe I'd ever heard before (because at the time, the mighty Z106 wasn't huge on playing Dave-era VH). Just from the transcription alone, it looked amazing, so I rode over to the Little Big Store in Raymond and bought a used cassette of the first Van Halen album.

This changed my life.

I probably listened to that album 20 times in the next two days, and within two weeks, I owned every Van Halen album to date, and had started collecting any guitar magazine I could find talking about VH, and started trying to learn how this fleet-fingered man created the sounds that he somehow makes come out of a guitar.

Right about the same time, the internet was coming to life, and one day I used one of those AOL CD's and figured out how to create an account. Trying to think of a user name, I somehow landed on VHFreak (which I still have, by the way).

A few years go by, and during the glorious fall of 1999, I somehow came across Genespage, and seeing that nearly everyone posting there had -dawg or -dog as part of their username, I broke with tradition and went with "vh dawg".

It was probably only a couple of years later, during the first Sherrill meltdowns, that someone first cleverly accused me of being "Vaught Hemingway" Dog, and a closet rebel.

And I laughed, and laughed, and laughed. And somehow landed here, which ultimately was probably nearly as life-changing as the day I bought that May 1995 issue of Guitar World.


New member
Dec 2, 2008
The greatest scene in motion picture slingblade, doyle hargrave gets really hammered with his "band"--he gets pissed, and physically throws his fellow band members out of his girlfriend's (Linda) house (including his wheelchair bound friend)--when Linda protests, he shoves her--her 12 year old son, frank proceeds to throw unopened soup cans at doyle until he surrenders by saying "17 me". He gets up and tells her "I'm hurtin Linda".

All the while Karl Childers, and the town homo played by the late John Ritter are sitting on the couch watching it all go down.


Well-known member
May 23, 2006
Jackie's consecutive 3-win seasons had soured me on our program, and when I joined this board I tried to registerthe usernameDawgshit as a metaphor for my opinion of the state of our football team.

Sadly, EZ board wouldn't let me use that, so I took the next logical choice: Dawgpile. </p>
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