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Bryce Young addresses how his competitive drive fuels his success

275133747_4796292347117549_592518599057046758_nby:Jonathan Wagner01/03/22

Jonathan Wagner

Bryce Young‘s first season as Alabama’s starting quarterback has been filled with success. Young won the Heisman Trophy, also leading Alabama to a victory in the SEC Championship. Alabama also just beat Cincinnati in the College Football Playoff semifinal to earn a spot in the national title game.

For Young, having success is about more than just being ready when Alabama is on the field. He views success as a wholesale process, and that includes a lot of preparation long before gameday arrives.

“I would say I’m very competitive,” Young started. “I think it’s hard to play at a level like this and not be. But I think for me, I think it’s about making sure that I’m able to look at being competitive as a process. I think a lot of people sometimes can think about being competitive as when the lights turn on. I want to get after it, I’m competitive.

“When the play is there to be made, it’s on me to want it more than the other. And that’s a part of it, but for me, I try to understand that being competitive is not just the one moment or not just what you see on Saturday. But for me, I push myself to be competitive and understand that that means the entire week.”

Young’s preparation has translated to plenty of success for Alabama

In addition to being ready to go on gameday, Young emphasizes the importance of being ready in the film room and as he takes care of his body. Young’s success has been well-documented, as he threw for 4,503 yards, 46 touchdowns and five interceptions in his first year at the helm of Alabama’s offense.

“For me, I have the approach to be competitive in how I watch film, be competitive in my nutrition, be competitive and practice all that stuff because that’s what correlates to the game,” Young added. “So of course there’s a lot of people that are going to be competitive when the lights turn on. A lot of people are going to say, ‘Oh, on Saturday I want to be competitive.’ But for me, I push myself to make sure that I understand that everything’s a competition. Everything’s about pushing yourself to be the best you can be.

“So whether it’s 100,000 people in the stands, it’s on TV, or it’s just you in a room by yourself watching film, you have to be competitive in that. And that’s at least the outlook I try to take on it. So I try to make sure that I don’t just single in or I’m just competitive at this time or this moment. But I’m pushing myself to be competitive in everything. I’m still growing in that and still pushing myself. But for me, that’s kind of the biggest thing when it comes to competition, being competitive as a whole.”

Young and Alabama will have an opportunity to truly achieve the ultimate amount of success in the national title game against Georgia.