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Cadillac Williams gets chills after becoming Auburn football’s first Black head coach

James Fletcher IIIby:James Fletcher III11/02/22


After firing Bryan Harsin, Auburn football made a historic move by naming running backs coach Carnell “Cadillac” Williams the interim head coach for the remainder of the 2022 season. He becomes the first Black headman in program history, with four regular season games to showcase his leadership.

During his first media appearance since the promotion, Cadillac Williams showed great gratitude and needed a moment when answering a question on the historical significance of his appointment.

“No doubt, just to hear that brings chills,” Williams said after a pause. “I get goosebumps. Never thought in a million years that I would honestly be in this position. To be honest with you, it never crossed my mind. I got in coaching in 2015 to pour into kids’ lives, to change lives, because I benefitted from great coaches in my life.

“All I wanted to do was change lives. And I know how important that is. But for me to get this opportunity and to do it in this seat, again, I am grateful. I’m so honored that the Auburn people at the top who make those decisions – Dr. Roberts – gave me this opportunity.”

Williams’ tenure as interim head coach begins on Saturday when Auburn travels to face Mississippi State. The Tigers then face Texas A&M, Western Kentucky and Alabama to close out the regular season.

Cadillac Williams on Auburn: Where dreams come true

As he continued speaking about his opportunity, Cadillac Williams shared just how important Auburn has been in his life from the time he was young to now. He and his entire family have built their lives around the program which continues to give him opportunities.

“Only at Auburn do dreams come true,” said Williams. “I’m forever indebted to this institution because it changed the whole trajectory of the Williams family. I mean, my wife – met my wife here – my two boys. Auburn has been so good to me. Every dream that I wanted to accomplish, this place gave me the opportunity. And now for me to be in this position, I just want to get it out there. Only at Auburn that dreams come true.

“And it’s a lot of guys. From the Bo Jacksons to the Cam Newtons, Karlos Dansby, all the greats, Carlos Rogers, a lot of guys that came here and were able to accomplish their dreams and do a lot of great things.”