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Jeff Brohm shares Louisville's approach to finalizing roster for 2023

On3-Social-Profile_GRAYby:On3 Staff Report02/02/23

National signing day has come and gone and Louisville finds itself as one of the teams with plenty of room remaining before finalizing the roster for 2023.

The Cardinals had just 15 players in their 2023 recruiting class following the departure of coach Scott Satterfield for the Cincinnati job and the arrival of Jeff Brohm at Louisville.

The good news is that leaves plenty of room for Brohm to work with.

“Well believe it or not we have quite a bit of room left, and I’m not used to that,” Brohm said. “Where I’ve been it’s been hard to fit guys in into your roster. We have plenty of room to continue to recruit and continue to add to our team and where we feel positions that can help us.”

Louisville also fits the mold as a program that is likely to benefit late from the addition of transfer portal prospects from smaller schools.

It’s a big enough jump up that many will relish the opportunity, so long as the Cardinals feel like it’s a good fit from a player that can help contribute. Brohm will get a better sense of that in the coming weeks.

“We’ll have some time possibly as we’re around our team now through workouts, through spring practice, be able to evaluate and see where we’re at as well,” he said. “All the way up until after spring and in the months of May, we can continue to add if we need to.”

Louisville still finalizing roster for 2023

One thing Brohm made abundantly clear is that his evaluation process will never stop.

It’ll be ongoing through spring football and the roster flexibility the Cardinals have by being low on scholarship numbers right now could actually serve to hasten any rebuilding process Brohm needs to effect.

“So that’ll be a constant thing that never ends,” Brohm said. “We feel like we’ve got a good eye of what’s going on in the future and we should be ready for things to pop if they do. If we think it’ll help our team we’ll definitely add to the mix.”

Louisville’s 2023 recruiting class finished ranked 28th nationally, with the Cardinals signing six four-star players and nine three-star players.