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LSU fan who took Tommy White home run to head offers target practice: 'Send it my way, man'

FaceProfileby:Thomas Goldkamp04/28/24

You never quite know what you might see at the ballpark on any given night. Or what you might not see.

An LSU fan found that out this week when he accidentally took a Tommy “Tanks” White home run with a 109 mile per hour exit velocity off the head after misjudging an attempted catch with a glove.

The hit to the head left a nice abrasion, but the LSU fan, who asked to be named only by his first name, Cory, in media reports this week, was a good sport about the whole thing.

Cory showed up to the ballpark on Friday wearing a white shirt that read “Hit by a tank… and survived.” He got a chance to chat with White for a bit after the entire incident went viral in the middle of the week. Cory continued to poke fun at both White and himself, bringing a rectangular cutout to the park that said “Bet Ya Can’t Do It Again,” with a giant hole in the center where Cory then put his face.

The comedic duo then made an appearance on the SEC Network’s Rally Cap program, where they chopped it up a little more.

The first thing Cory said to White on the program kicked off a hilarious exchange. Cory relayed exactly what he said to White on Friday night after being hit by the home run earlier in the week.

“Oh man, I just told him that I’d appreciate it if he’d hit it to right (field) more often,” Cory said, as the Rally Cap crew burst into laughter.

He then broke down his error in attempting to field the home run ball.

“I had the glove. Been carrying the glove for years, like I said,” Cory said. “I posted up and I think what happened was between the speed of the ball coming and putting the glove up I lost the ball and just BOOM, man. Skipped over the fence and Lord knows where that ball’s at now.”

White watched the whole thing unfold as he rounded the bases, but he claimed he didn’t know he had hit a fan with his home run right away.

“It was later. I get in the dugout and everything and they’re like, ‘You hit that guy,'” White said. “I was like, ‘What? I thought it cleared everything’ because I saw the ball go over the second fence… after it hit him in the head. So I felt bad, like there’s no way it hit him because I thought it cleared everything. But it hit Cory and I’m sorry.”

Cory wasn’t quite ready to accept that.

“I’m calling bull on that because I saw the replay and as Tommy’s rounding third he’s got a big grin on his face,” Cory said, smiling broadly. “That sucker knew.”

White wriggled in his camera shot and exclaimed: “I like hitting home runs.”

That sent the entire panel into hysterics.

But the bottom line is that Cory is healthy after the hard knock and everyone has one heck of a story because of it. The ultimate team player, Cory offered the following for White as the show segment ended.

“Hey man, Tommy, just keep on doing what you’re doing and, you know, if I’ve got to take another one here, there, send it my way, man,” Cory said. “I’m good.”
