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Ryan Ragone posts heartfelt goodbye message to Miami, 'Canes fans

On3-Social-Profile_GRAYby:On3 Staff Report12/30/23

Miami linebacker Ryan Ragone has a heck of a story, going from walk-on to scholarship player with the Hurricanes. He reflected on his collegiate journey on Saturday in a post on Twitter.

Ragone recounted his journey, which began at Arkansas State.

“Unrecruited and without any offers, I Walked on at Arkansas State,” Ryan Ragone wrote. “I found myself at the bottom of the depth chart, never got any team reps. The head coach, skeptical of my transfer to Miami, told me I’d be lucky to participate in a single kickoff my senior year.

“That challenge fueled my determination.”

Not only would Ragone go on to play at Miami, he’d do so as a scholarship player after impressing former Miami coach Manny Diaz.

It couldn’t come at a better time, either, as Ragone’s father had put him on the clock.

“My dad told me I have one semester to get a scholarship, because we sure as hell couldn’t afford it,” Ryan Ragone wrote. “A pivotal moment arrived during the fall camp scrimmage in 2019 when a player went down, and Manny Diaz pointed at me to step up.

“I seized the opportunity, and from then on, my journey unfolded.”

Ragone contributed across five different seasons for the Hurricanes, appearing in 34 games in a Miami jersey. He logged 37 career tackles, 7.5 tackles for a loss and 2.5 sacks.

That made for a pretty positive story, all told. It wasn’t always easy.

“I contemplated leaving the game but persisted for those who looked up to me and the dream of becoming the first college graduate in my family,” Ryan Ragone said. “The NFL was never my goal; I aimed to inspire those who lacked role models back home.

“Concluding my Miami career with numerous snaps, tackles, sacks, two degrees, over $300,000 in free education, connections and memories that’ll last a lifetime, I feel blessed and fulfilled. I’ve achieved my goal, inspired others, and to my city, I am great — that’s what matters most.

“Thank you, Miami.”