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Mel Tucker updates Kenneth Walker III status for Peach Bowl

NS_headshot_clearbackgroundby:Nick Schultz12/14/21


Kenneth Walker III has been Michigan State’s breakout star this season. But the Spartans might be without him in this month’s Peach Bowl.

That’s what Mel Tucker told reporters on Monday, at least. With more than two weeks to go, Walker’s status is still up in the air.

“I’m uncertain about him,” Tucker said Monday during MSU’s Peach Bowl news conference at Spartan Stadium. “I know he’s been battling through some things, so we’ll just have to continue to monitor it. But he’s not the only one. I mean, it’s a fluid situation. We’re going to get as many guys prepared and ready to go as we possibly can.”

Walker, this year’s Doak Walker Award winner, was a huge part of Michigan State’s rejuvenated running game this year. He ranks second in the nation in rushing, averaging 136.33 yards per game, and has 18 rushing touchdowns.

We’ll get a clearer picture of who’s available for Michigan State as the Peach Bowl gets closer. The Spartans will take on Pitt in the game on Dec. 30.

Mel Tucker congratulates Kenneth Walker on Walter Camp award

Michigan State coach Mel Tucker couldn’t be more proud of a player than he is of Kenneth Walker III, who was named the Walter Camp Player of the Year on Thursday. In front of the entire Spartans team, Tucker broke the news that Walker had won that award, plus the Doak Walker award given to the nation’s top running back.

He then offered a heartfelt congratulations to the Spartan star.

“I think it was after the Northwestern game that he exploded on the scene,” Tucker said. “We already knew what he was. Especially you, (safety Xavier Henderson). The defense couldn’t lay a hand on the guy in the spring. After the game, he comes up and says, ‘Thanks, coach, for taking a chance on me.’ I’m like, ‘What? Taking a chance on you? Thanks for taking a chance on us.’ That’s just the type of guy he is. Humble and hard working. We’re just really appreciative of what you’ve done for the team, the university and all the Spartans fans. You’ve really done a lot for us.”

Walker was a rather unheralded recruit coming out of high school, earning just three FBS offers. After two seasons at Wake Forest, he transferred to Michigan State this offseason.

He is the first player in Michigan State history to win either award. He joins an elite list of running backs in Herschel Walker, Bo Jackson, Barry Sanders and Derrick Henry to have been named the Walter Payton Player of the Year.