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Shane Beamer discusses positive aspects of spring transfer window

On3-Social-Profile_GRAYby:On3 Staff Report05/02/23

College football coaches around the country can finally breathe at least a little bit easier after the spring transfer window closed when the calendar flipped to May.

But the last two weeks have been hectic for many, to say the least.

“I’ll be honest: When that portal window’s open it’s a long two weeks, if you will, because there’s a lot happening,” South Carolina coach Shane Beamer said. “And you certainly want everybody to come back and you worry about getting phone calls and things like that.”

That’s a two-way street, of course, as college programs are also able to supplement their rosters through the spring transfer window.

The programs likely to fare the best are the ones that have developed a strong culture. Even then there can be some wild and wacky surprises. Beamer recently participated in a golf tournament with several other college football coaches.

He came back with plenty to talk about.

“Being with some of those coaches the last couple days at the golf thing, sharing stories with them and hearing different things and things like that, it’s an odd, strange, new two weeks for all of us in a lot of ways,” Beamer said. “But survived it.

“And at the same time we’re always going to do here in this program, make this a program that guys want to be a part of, that they know they’re going to be coached really, really hard. You guys have heard me say it before, be held accountable, be demanding. It’s not easy being a part of this program, but I want guys that want to be here and I feel like we’ve got a lot of them. Know we do.”

Beamer knows because he met with all of his players and discussed where they stood.

He was pleased with what he heard back. And after losing a few players in the winter transfer period, South Carolina didn’t have anyone enter in the spring transfer window.

“I feel good. Had 101 individual meetings the week after the spring game and met with every single player in my office and had open and honest conversations, which we’re always going to have about their role here and are they happy and where’s their head at with things,” Beamer said.

“Then there’s open and honest conversations with guys that you kind of talk about what their role is right now at this point and what does it look like going forward.”

The goal for the third-year South Carolina coach is for everyone to be on the same page about on-field and off-field development.

“I want every player that’s in our program to enjoy the experience they have in our program and be able to do well in school, graduate, win football games, play at a high level,” Beamer said. “And if a guy feels like he has a better opportunity to do that somewhere else then we wish him well and will help in any way.

“But I thought the meetings were good. It showed. We’ve got a lot of guys here in our program that love being a part of this program and love the direction of the program and love what we’re doing right now. Couldn’t be more excited about the group.”