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Warde Manuel understands NFL could have interest in Jim Harbaugh, but 'I want to keep him as our coach'

clayton-sayfieby:Clayton Sayfie01/09/24


HOUSTON, Texas — Michigan Wolverines football capped off an incredible season with a national championship game win over Washington, 34-13. A year ago, the Wolverines started building for this season. Now, after a celebration that lasted long into the night, the 2024 season is on deck.

NFL teams have had interest in Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh the past two offseasons. Harbaugh interviewed with the Minnesota Vikings in 2022 and the Denver Broncos in 2023, but he wound up returning to Ann Arbor. This year, there are already reports that NFL organizations may attempt to court the coach, who led his team to a 40-3 record over the last three seasons and won 49 games in four seasons with the San Francisco 49ers from 2011-14.

“He’s here. He’s here, and he’s extremely gratified,” Michigan athletic director Warde Manuel said of Harbaugh in response to a question regarding if the coach has followed the ‘those who stay’ mantra that U-M holds near and dear to its heart. “He’s extremely happy. This team is extremely happy.

“I understand why people in the pros would want to hire Jim Harbaugh and talk to him about being a coach. The man went to a Super Bowl — won a conference championship, went to a Super Bowl, went back to the conference championship. In that league? How many did they fire today? How many are gone now? Five or six? That’s like an annual thing.

“And if I was in the pros, I would want to talk to him, because of what he accomplished. However, I’m not in the pros, and I want to keep him as our coach. That’s my cross to bear, but I am proud that Jim is our coach.

“It doesn’t matter, all the stuff that happened in the past, and it doesn’t really matter what happens in the future. He’s always going to be somebody I’m proud of, who coached the University of Michigan, who led this team. And if he decides that he wants another opportunity to coach in the pros, then I’m gonna be happy for him.

“For us, we’re going to move on and find the next person to lead. But I want him to stay at Michigan. I’ve said it, I believed it four years ago when people wanted me to get rid of him. I didn’t, because I believed in him then and I believe in him now.”

Manuel was asked if Michigan would look internally or externally for its next coach if Harbaugh were to depart, but he declined to answer, only saying that he would look at his wife and kids while celebrating Michigan’s victory Monday night.

On the topic of Harbaugh potentially having accomplished what he returned to his alma mater to do, win a national championship, Manuel said: “I believe he’s accomplished what every coach in America wants to accomplish. Every coach in America wants to be on this stage — to win a national championship. I don’t know one that doesn’t. None. So, he’s accomplished a goal that I’m sure he had in the back of his mind and for this team. And I’m very proud of him for doing that and leading this team.”

There have been reports in the past saying that Harbaugh and Manuel have had a rocky relationship. Manuel, who rarely does interviews or holds press conferences, shot down that narrative.

“Because people don’t know,” Manuel said. “And I’m not out there trying to tell y’all my relationship with people. People may put stuff out there on social media that have no effing clue. None. None. So, I can’t speak for ignorance that people spew on social media, and I’m not going to, and I never have — until now, until you asked me that.”

Harbaugh, meanwhile, has developed quite the strong relationship with university president Santa Ono, who took over in that post Oct. 2022. asked Ono how much he hopes Harbaugh remains in Ann Arbor.

“A lot,” Ono replied. “A lot. I view him as a partner. I view him as a critical person at the institution, and I very much hope he stays — and he knows that.”

Michigan and Harbaugh have reportedly been discussing a contract extension for months. He’s currently on a deal that has him in Ann Arbor through 2026.

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