How do we fix the month of December, and is a July signing period a good thing for Penn State?


Well-known member
Staff member
Sep 20, 2021
The article isn't behind the paywall. I know On3 has that three story limit per month which I'm sure many of you may have used, but if you haven't, I spent weeks talking to different coaches and recruiting personnel on this topic. They pointed to multiple things that can change relatively soon and then in the future to curb the chaos that is December. If you're interested in this topic, I appreciate any feedback.



Well-known member
Jan 23, 2022
I was pleasantly surprised that this story wasn't behind the pay wall.....however when i tried 3x to access it, it went to a Julian Flemming story and is anyway i couldn't read it. The cost of On3 is fine with the quality reporting....but dealing with the new wave of posters and the constant looking to argue has worn me out. Thanks for the past.
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