Looking back at this, can't say Doc didn't give everyone a head's up on the front end.


New member
Aug 29, 2006
Looking back at this, can't say Doc didn't give everyone a head's up on the front end.

We have begun a 'bottoms-up' review of all aspects of university operations, seeking to identify and build on our centers of excellence and target new areas of development or improvement. Dozens of faculty, staff, and students are engaged in that effort, and we hope to begin implementing their recommendations in the fall. We will look at the quality of undergraduate instruction, graduate studies, research, outreach, faculty and staff issues, the campus environment, relationships with alumni and friends, and more. In some areas, the opportunity or need has been sufficiently clear to warrant immediate action.



Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
Looking back at this, can't say Doc didn't give everyone a head's up on the front end.

Visiting Starkville during Super Bulldog Weekend last year, I went to 1st United Methodist Church for Sunday School and Services.

The teacher was asking for examples of people who had a lot of knowledge, but no wisdom. I raised my hand and said, "College Professors". I found out after class that half of them were profs at State.
