Penn State wrestling podcast: Previewing the Ohio State match, recapping the Lions' 7-0 start


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
Good job again guys. Sounds like overall OSU will be a dress rehearsal for Iowa.

WV lion

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2021
I think at best ohio state wins 2. If Bartlett wins it could be very very ugly for Ohio State. I think Demilio is over rated. Kasak has a very good chance.
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Active member
Oct 12, 2021
🤦 I just posted on another thread that we’re out of the area and unable to watch upcoming meets. In 1985-88 we were overseas when PSU football was seriously contending. My brother would record the game on a cassette tape and mail it to me. 10 days +~ later I’d listen to the game, update him on what I was up to and remail the cassette. This went on for a couple of years. Somehow I got a hold of a New publication, Blue White Illustrated and I sent them a note saying how great it was to get pages of PSU related stuff. Few weeks go by and I get a package in the mail with all kinds of SWAG and a personal letter from them saying that they were glad to hear from me, first long distance fan, or something like that- I forget. In any event this linked article states I’ve hit my limit of free reading.
Oh how I miss the old days. Signed, old man (get off the lawn!). 😬😆
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