Question about the First Pitch Banquet


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
Who takes kids to a banquet? By nature, it's a function for grownups. I can just picture these families with 2-4 kids each, all under the age of 10, politely sitting there, while the big mean Papelbon says dirty words. Then, after the banquet, one of the little boys asks his father, "Daddy, why is Coach Polk's package so small?", forcing the father to talk about the birds and bees about 15 years before he really wanted to.

Then, because of the horrible guttral language of the banquet, these poor children start abusing drugs, smoking, and dancing on Sundays.

Don't get me wrong. There's more clever ways to say things. However, if you force your kids to go somewhere where they have to sit still and be quiet for two hours without seeing "Ratatouille" is child abuse.

The main reason my kids like Bulldog baseball is because it's the one MSU sport they can run around and not just sit there.


New member
Oct 8, 2006
is so the kids can possibly meet Papelbon or other MSU players and get their autographs. Other than that, I can't think of anything.

A banquet is certainly something that is not kid-oriented.