They just showed Nick Turner's TD runback from Auburn 2003....


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
...which is the first time I've ever seen that play. When it happened, I was underneath Jordan-Hare buying a hot dog. Which means I missed about 10% of the actual points MSU scored in the last six games of that year.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
It's kind of odd that we played Auburn that late in the year. We usually get them out of the way by the middle of October.

I didn't have to suffer through Tech and 10, but I will say that 03 was the worst football season for me, ever. 02 is a close second. In 03, I was even pissed off after the two wins just because of the way JWS talked trash to Tommy West, for no good reason and then the fact that we beat Vandy mainly because they did more to lose it than we did. I remember the immortal Tommy Provine High School Kelly sacking Vandy's QB which also caused a fumble, and instead of going after the ball, he does this retarded looking "sack dance". Instead of having an easy TD, Vandy gets the ball back. I hate every football player associated with the 2003 team except for Fant, Norwood, and Cody Upton.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
2003 was bad. The worst part, for me, was the LSU game, sitting in the rain in the 4th quarter with my wife and all of about 500 other MSU fans in the whole stadium, and the only thing you could hear was "LSU LSU LSU" over and over. Going for 2 down ~35 and not making it...ah, the memories.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
I remember sitting there, thinking how far we'd fallen so fast. I also remember sitting in the end zone where we warmed up and all the Auburn fans were talking about how big and physical we looked. And then they proceeded to push us around like rag dolls all day. I swear, I thought Fant was going to die.

Goat Holder

that day, although Cadillac did walk into the endzone from about 70 yards near the beginning of the game.

If I remember correctly it was that big guy that runs for the Giants now, that had the huge game against us. Worst display of defensive football ever.


New member
Nov 15, 2005
froze my *** tailgating that morning. got sunburned during the game. sat in the endzone and was amazed at the size of the holes Auburn was creating against our defense. Didn't they have a little white backup running back that torched us as well.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
...somehow they designed that stadium so that everybody is in the sun, all of the time. I've never been there for a day game when I didn't get sunburned and dehydrated.


New member
May 1, 2006
Alabama, no question. That was Shula's first year and they went 4-9. You know the old saying about walking off the bus and immediately picking up the win? Well, that literally applied here. They scored on the first or second play from scrimmage and then proceeded to beat us, I believe 38-0. I distinctly remember looking over at the people I went with and asking why we didn't just stay at the tailgate.

I would have put the Egg Bowl on the top but the silver lining in that game was that we didn't have to see Jackie attempt to coach anymore. Still, that was a miserable year.

We won 2 games, but that was the worst year of football ever. The last half of the season was absolutely pathetic. The only good moment was when we had a brief 7-0 lead on UT, but even then you knew it wasn't going to last.