Updates from Cody Sanderson press conference


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Sep 20, 2021
Cael is on the road, so we got Cody Sanderson today:

On Saturday: Thought it was positive for the team. Thinks team is right where he wants them to be physical. Some adjustments are needed technically.

On Blumer bumping up: Right now, if something happens, we're just being cautious. It's nothing more than that. Should know more in a day or two on what it will look like Thursday night. Nothing to be worried about.

On Depth: We need lots of styles in the room, so depth is important from a practice standpoint, and same goes for competition.


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Sep 20, 2021
On Bartlett: Knowing how to win, and finding a way to get on top, the match didn't go as expected for him but he found a way to beat a tough opponent. Beau is in his second year, but he's only had a handful of matches. With him and some other guys, you're going to see guys learning and make improvements match to match.


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Sep 20, 2021
On wrestling at Rec Hall Thursday: We are just excited for this week. We're always grateful for the support we get. We had a full year of not feeling that [energy from fans in the stands], sometimes you take things for granted, and we're not going to do that. We want everyone to have a memorable experience.


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Sep 20, 2021
On trying to go for bonus points: That is a focus. We talk about score points. We want to win every match we're in, but the focus is competing. Wins and losses take care of themselves. You get those wins and you get them by getting points and bonus points. You won't hear anything as much at practice as score points, score points.

On number of guys wrestling: Was at Binghamton yesterday, and they were getting a lot of messages from our starters back home encouraging them, so it was great to see our older guys demonstrate their interest for the younger guys and their development. That peer development can really separate it. Guys are stepping into leadership roles and it's going to help our long-term development.


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Sep 20, 2021
On home match experience: It's electric. It's an enthusiasm that's hard to replicate. People there and care and appreciate what they do, and we're able to channel some of that energy on the mat, and hopefully that energy puts pressure on the other guy. We want it to compress them and elevate us.


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Sep 20, 2021
On Shunk/Dean starting: It's great. You never know when a guy gets out there for the first time, what they are going to do, and you saw those guys walk out there with pride, and compete with pride, and score points. It's great to see and what we hope for. Those two are quality individuals and hard-working. We as coaching staff were really excited to see [Shunk] take that match. Max Dean, what a great addition. Seeing him implement some of the things we were working on in practice was satisfying. It was great for the team and I love to see them do what they love to do.


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Sep 20, 2021
On timetable for lineup decisions: No, we don't really. Sometimes, sooner the better, but not always. Our history has demonstrated that we're patient. It's November. The national tournament is in March. We let things unfold and give guys the opportunity to get out there and compete. We let them sort it out as much as we can. We're patient, and it will unfold as we go through these next series of matches.