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Brenda Tracy's advocacy group releases statement on Mel Tucker allegations

Stephen Samraby:Steve Samra09/11/23


Why there's no path for Mel Tucker

Michigan State has suspended head football coach Mel Tucker without pay, the decision following a report emerging that he is under investigation for sexual harassment.

According to a USA Today report on Sunday, a complaint was filed by prominent advocate against sexual violence and misconduct Brenda Tracy in December, alleging that Tucker sent her gifts and pursued a ‘one-sided’ relationship that was unwelcome.

One of the allegations included a phone call in which Tucker made sexual comments about Tracy and masturbated.

Following the news of Tucker’s suspension, Tracy’s advocacy group, Set The Expectation, has released a statement on the allegations the Michigan State head football coach is facing.

The full statement from Set The Expectation, which was shared to social media on Monday morning, reads as follows:

“Set The Expectation exists to eradicate sexual violence through prevention work with men and to uplift and advocate for survivors,” read the statement. “Our nonprofit knows, with unblinking clarity, the immense challenge of coming forward as a survivor of sexual misconduct or violence. The news surrounding our founder, Brenda Tracy, highlights how necessary this work continues to be in our society. When people come forward to report misconduct, assault and or violence, they deserve compassion, protection, and empathy. Instead, survivors are more often met with skepticism, victim-blaming, threats of violence, and personal attacks.

“Brenda has devoted her life to converting her pain into action by serving as a leader in the prevention space. She is a respected advocate for survivors and a valued educator for so many programs across the country.

“Through our collective work, Set The Expectation and Brenda Tracy empower people to make their communities safer by addressing the myriad of issues connected to sexual violence, assault and misconduct. It is not easy work. But because of our work, we know that more men understand their role as advocates and allies. We know that when programs implement our guidance, they have a safer campus. We know that through this work survivors feel seen, heard and – most importantly – empowered.

“If nothing else, the recent news reminds us that the work to eradicate sexual violence must continue if we ever hope to see progress. We continue to hope and we will continue to work.

“Please join us in standing alongside Brenda Tracy. When we support one survivor, we show other survivors they are safe, too.”

More on Mel Tucker investigation, Michigan State Spartans

Brenda Tracy and Mel Tucker first developed a professional working relationship over the course of a few months, with her work advocating against sexual violence getting an additional platform at Michigan State.

According to ESPN, Tracy visited Michigan State in August 2021 and April 2022 to speak to the football team about preventing sexual misconduct. Tracy is a vocal advocate against sexual violence and has spoken to dozens of football programs around the country in recent years.

After her April visit to Michigan State, Tracy reportedly received multiple calls from Tucker asking to meet up. According to her complaint, a phone call on April 28, 2022 from Tucker included several sexual comments to her and Tucker masturbating while on the phone.

Tracy, who is a rape survivor, told USA Today that the idea someone would “re-inflict that trauma on me is so disgusting to me, it’s hard for me to even wrap my mind around it.”

Mel Tucker, meanwhile, told Title IX investigators that the relationship was “mutually consensual” and characterized the phone call as “phone sex,” according to the USA Today report.

Tracy first filed her complaint in December 2022. Michigan State hired an outside Title IX attorney to investigate her complaint.

With the details reported by USA Today, Michigan State leadership acted quickly, removing Tucker from his post pending formal resolution of the Title IX investigation, which still has outstanding hearings and a final decision process to wrap up.

“The university’s objective has been, and remains, focus on conducting a fair, thorough, and unbiased investigation and allowing the processes to play out. This includes protecting confidentiality of the claimant and putting in place interim measures,” Michigan State AD Alan Haller said. “The university’s formal conclusion of the investigation will occur on once the hearing and final decision processes are complete.”