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Shane Beamer describes what makes the Gamecock Walk so special

Barkley-Truaxby:Barkley Truax09/01/22


South Carolina has some of the most exciting game day traditions in the SEC, and it starts with its patented Gamecock Walk. Head coach Shane Beamer glowed when discussing his memories from his first season as headman in 2021, and is looking forward to many more this year.

“What makes it special is that you’ve got all these fans that are out there, the hotel we stay in the night before game days, we come down Interstate 77, and we crossed the river and you see the stadium off in the distance,” Beamer said. “Then we get off right there on Bluff Rd and hang a left and drive down Bluff and as soon as you pass the gas stations down there, you start seeing people tailgating on the side of the street.

“That ride down Bluff Rd road is really, really, really cool because you have people cheering for you that aren’t at the walk – which that’s a different story, they shouldn’t be – but there are they’re tailgating as well, and waving and cheering you on as you go through there. When you get to the stoplight right there and you’re hanging left on National Guard Rd and then pull right in there and park, just seeing the sea of people, it is cool for our players as well.”

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The Gamecock Walk will be Beamer’s cheat code for recruits visiting during home-game weekends, and is just one of many exciting traditions for South Carolina fans to partake in every Saturday.

“It’s loud, you can’t hear yourself think the entire time,” Beamer said. “It’s awesome, and it’s a testament to what our fan base is about and what they’re like. To me, what makes it special is just the sheer noise, the sheer excitement and and the gratitude that you see from people that are along the side. They’re thanking you, talking to you and wishing you luck, but then also the gratitude that I feel and I know our players feel for the people that take time out of their day to come out and take time out of their tailgating and their game day to come greet the team.

“So, it’s awesome. It’s great for recruiting, but it’s something that will never, ever, ever get old.”