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Former USC long snapper Jake Olson announces death of guide dog, Quebec

On3 imageby:Andrew Graham06/06/24


Former USC long snapper Jake Olson — who became known around college football when the Trojans football program embraced him as a child while he was losing his vision — announced on Instagram that his guide dog, Quebec, died. Quebec was 14.

Olson, who later walked on at USC in 2015 and appeared in two career games as a long snapper, wrote a heartfelt message as he announced the loss of not only a dog that served as his eyes for more than a decade, but one that inevitably grew to be a loved part of the family.

“A bond was broken today that defies words,” Olson wrote. “A part of me died today along with the loss of my bestest friend I could have ever ask for. But apart of Quebec will always live on in my heart and life, along with all the lives he was able to touch. In our 13 years together, Q graduated high school with me, college with me, traveled to 28 states with me, met a US president, played in the Coliseum, ran on countless golf courses, and celebrated The best of times with me while enduring heart break with me.”

Olson continued, noting how the timelines of Quebec’s life and him losing his eyesight dovetailed almost seamlessly.

As Olson described it, he credited the divine for putting Quebec into the world for him for nearly half of his life to this point.

“He met me as a 14 year old kid and saw me to be a 27 year old man,” Olson said. “Every day he lived out his purpose to be my eyes. I couldn’t have asked God for a better, more devoted guide dog. He represented Jesus in the best of ways that he was here to serve, not to be served. That heart posture gave him 14 and a half years of life.

“I know God made him for me. Quebec was born November 6th 2009. I went blind on November 12th 2009. If you know anything about dogs, it’s that they are born blind and it takes about a week for a puppy’s eyes to open. I believe Q saw for the first time the day I lost my sight. Yes, God made him for me and allowed me to be with him for 12 years and 341 days.”

And after nearly 13 years together, Olson shared that Quebec will never really leave him, even if he’s physically no longer around.

“Even though he is no longer physically with me, I once heard that, ‘If you’re lucky enough to have known a great one, they never really leave. They stay with you as long as you live, Harness to your heart, giving their all.’ And Q was that! To the true GOAT. You will always be loved and remembered. I love you so so so so much pup!” Olson wrote.