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Kyle Larson leaning on Tony Kanaan, Kurt Busch in preparation for Indy 500

Stephen Samraby:Steve Samra03/15/24


Kyle Larson Indianapolis © Adam Cairns_Indianapolis Star _ USA TODAY NETWORK
Kyle Larson Indianapolis © Adam Cairns_Indianapolis Star _ USA TODAY NETWORK

Kyle Larson is preparing to run the Indianapolis 500 for the first time in 2024, and he’s leaning on some interesting connections ahead of the event.

During a recent appearance on The Dale Jr Download, the former NASCAR Cup Series champion elaborated on which drivers he’s spoken to, and ironically enough, two other former NASCAR champions who have run the race is who he’s planning to lean on, along with an IndyCar Series legend.

“I really haven’t talked to too many drivers yet,” Larson stated. “Tony Kanaan has been the guy you know, when I’ve been at these tests, that’s been the one that really you know, point things out and help me. As it gets closer, you know, I really foresee myself kind of leaning on Kurt Busch a fair amount, if he wants me to. Yeah, he was by a teammate of Ganassi for a couple years there so, and he’s had, you know, great experience, you know, at the speedway in Indy cars. So yeah, I plan on talking to him and anybody else, you know, who’s willing to want to help me. But I’ve never been the type of driver to like, go seek out a bunch of advice.

“You know, I don’t want to confuse myself with things. I don’t want to have to filter through what everybody’s saying. So you know, Jimmie [Johnson] would be a good guy to talk to, just because he’s done it most recently. But again, I don’t want to — I don’t want to overload myself either. I think, to a point, you almost have to try and figure some things out on your own way.”

Those are some fascinating names that Larson will be leaning on to an extent as he ventures into a new world. Regardless, he’s beginning to feel more and more confident, as he explained what’s ahead for his new challenge.

“I think at this point, I’ve gotten to do a couple of tests by myself now, and that’s been great, you know, kind of just to get me to focus on the car, and what I’m feeling behind the wheel. But now I just, I really want to get on track with other drivers, and get behind them. See how they do things. Feel how the cars feel in traffic. The runs that are made in the draft. All those sorts of things,” Larson stated. “So that is next. That’s what’s coming in April. They have a two day open test at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, so that’ll be the first time I’m on track with other other drivers. So I’m sure it doesn’t get like super aggressive or anything, but I’m sure there’ll be a time where I can get behind you a group of cars and get to feel that.

“So yeah, still got to work on all the little details, though. You know, pulling in and out of the pit stall, stuff like that. Getting all the controls to where I’m comfortable and confident with, you know, where they’re at and and what they do. Because all those little details, I think, is going to be the difference in you know, whether I run top ten, or I run outside the top 20. So just gotta prepare myself the best that I can, and hopefully it all goes smooth.”

Alas, Kyle Larson will have a lot of fans at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, when he attempts the feat of racing in the IndyCar Series for the first time. It should be an awesome day, with the Coca-Cola 600 to follow, and one that he’ll remember forever.