2009 Football Season Tickets: (poll)


New member
Sep 13, 2008
1. Assume there are no staff changes
2. Assume we finish the year 3-9
3. Assume ticket prices are $40 a pop.
4. Assume ticket sales drop by 1000. At $40 a pop, thats $40,000 per game. 6 games, thats $240,000. So, in others words, per each thousand less season tickets sold, Mississippi State athletics will miss out on an additional $240,000.
5. Assume the additional revenue of parking, bulldog club contributions, merchandise, campus visits, union stops, etc


Active member
Nov 16, 2005
That said, I'll make it down for more than 2 baseball games now that Polk-Croom is gone


Jun 4, 2007
I can only speak for myself, but I planned to finally buy season tickets next year now that I'm finally done with school despite the fact that I live 1,000 miles away and would likely only make 2 games. However, I definitely won't buy **** if Woody is back and will have to think long and hard about it if all we do is make some staff changes based on who comes in. I'll gladly buy tickets with a new head coach regardless of who it is.


Will still attend home games next year. This is depending on how far I end up from Starkville. However, I will not buy season tickets if Croom is still head coach due to the fact that he has single handidly ruined my taste in football for an entire year.

Also, Florida is *$!*#!* awesome.

That is all


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I told my group 2 weeks ago not to re-new my season tickets for 2009. I have had too many years of this crap to be wasting my money. I will hand pick what MSU games I want to attend next year, that way I won't waste so much time and money.
If I want to see a good game, I can always drive over to Oxford. They seem to be making bigger gains in their program over a shorter period of time.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Because there are hardly any jobs here and I'm sure you know this. I opened up today's Starkville Daily News and it's the first time that there is not a job listed anywhere in the classifieds. I talked to a friend that works at the WIN job center Friday and he said the only job listed for Starkville is a factory laborer job that pays $6.55 per hour.

I for one, will not sink anymore of my hard earned money into this football team until Croom ( The Walrus ) is gone! I can put that money somewhere else. Even my 7 and 12 yr old boys don't want to go see this crap anymore. That says alot !

And Somebody in the AD needs to start dressing the Walrus for games. The idiot was wearing all Black last night. The least he could do since he doesn't know how to wear a hat correctly, is wear an outfit that is all Maroon. Ole Jackie always looked good on the sidelines in a white shirt & tie. That , to me is the way all coaches should dress for a game. I know I am nick-picking, but I am tired of our team looking like a SWAC team. I hope Addidas at least cleans up the awful uniforms and brings back the maroon helmets.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I thought wearing the hood was ridiculous, but would you really have wanted Crooms parading back on forth on the sideline in his pimp suit? Come on. The only coach I can think of recently that did the shirt and tie thing is Mike Nolan and he's unemployed now. I don't have a problem with head coaches wearing team apparel, but our people need to stop dressing Crooms in our Wal-Mart gear.


dawgmaster said:
Because there are hardly any jobs here and I'm sure you know this. I opened up today's Starkville Daily News and it's the first time that there is not a job listed anywhere in the classifieds. I talked to a friend that works at the WIN job center Friday and he said the only job listed for Starkville is a factory laborer job that pays $6.55 per hour.

I for one, will not sink anymore of my hard earned money into this football team until Croom ( The Walrus ) is gone! I can put that money somewhere else. Even my 7 and 12 yr old boys don't want to go see this crap anymore. That says alot !

And Somebody in the AD needs to start dressing the Walrus for games. The idiot was wearing all Black last night. The least he could do since he doesn't know how to wear a hat correctly, is wear an outfit that is all Maroon. Ole Jackie always looked good on the sidelines in a white shirt & tie. That , to me is the way all coaches should dress for a game. I know I am nick-picking, but I am tired of our team looking like a SWAC team. I hope Addidas at least cleans up the awful uniforms and brings back the maroon helmets.
Im leaving this state. Wont give a cent to the football program as an alumni until we get rid of Croom.


You're getting paid millions of dollars. Look like a damn professional.