If I was the NFL I would be extremely concerned about the new pro league called College Football...


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
A new pro league has been formed. And that league has a network 10 times more vast than the NFL, twice as many teams and fanbases loyal enough to their programs to shiv you over players like they're a pack of cigarettes in prison.

Schools sell the rights to the NIL collectives. The collectives form a league. The players enter the league draft out of high school.

You gotta move swiftly before the NFL pivots and begins taking 18 year olds.. cause you can bet your sweetass.. if kids can be employed by schools it's no different than them playing for the Shield.

Now... a bunch of you are going to say it can never happen. So I ask you: How long ago was it when you were saying schools would never pay players directly?

The moment college football wises up... the war with the NFL is on like Donkey Kong.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Maybe we'll be able to keep guys around for longer are a good but not NFL good. Why limit them to 4 or so years with redshirts. Keep someone on the team as long as they're in college. Find a decent QB and let him enroll in a Ph.D. program after getting a B.A. so we can keep him around for 8 years. Let's change a bunch of rules.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
A new pro league has been formed. And that league has a network 10 times more vast than the NFL, twice as many teams and fanbases loyal enough to their programs to shiv you over players like they're a pack of cigarettes in prison.

Schools sell the rights to the NIL collectives. The collectives form a league. The players enter the league draft out of high school.

You gotta move swiftly before the NFL pivots and begins taking 18 year olds.

Now... a bunch of you are going to say it can never happen. So I ask you: How long ago was it when you were saying schools would never pay players directly?

The moment college football wises... up the war with the NFL is on like Donkey Kong.
The NFL's salary cap is $255M/team. What's our NIL total for 2024? I'm guessing $10M would be a big number. So, what, $50M at bama and a&m?

I wouldn't really call that a new competitor. Not to mention, my sense is college football is hemorrhaging fans, while NFL seems to be forever upward. Or at least, if CFB isn't outright losing fans, people are noticeably ratcheting down their engagement.

As far as 18 year olds in NFL, 99% of even SEC players simply could not make an NFL roster at 18/19 years old. If the NFL wanted them they would have gotten them by now.
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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Keep someone on the team as long as they're in college.
Screw that.. I don't care if they're enrolled in school or not. After we've paid millions to develop a QB or a left tackle why do we have to let the NFL reap the rewards?

That player is our investment. Let the NFL go find their own players.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Not gonna happen. NFL would crush any college league. There’s a reason college playoff games are at such odd times. They know if they went against the NFL, no one would watch.
You're thinking about years past. I'm talking about the future when the college teams keep all the best talent.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
There’s a lot more $ in the NFL. I would think the NFL player minimum next year is going to make more income than 90%+ of D1 CFB players.

I also think football players might be splitting their revenue with non-revenue sports.
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
College teams will not keep all of the best talent. None will have 250+ million payrolls like the NFL has
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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
I keep wondering when the first person is going to sue the NCAA over claiming they have no eligibility left. Take a guy that is good enough to start at a SEC school but knows he may not make it in NFL. He can now make good money in NIL vs Zero in NFL. He can just keep taking classes to stay in school. NCAA says you have no eligibility left....So what. I am still a student I am playing where i can get paid. Pound sand NCAA. Just a couple of years ago they said you couldn't get paid. Lawsuit...they cave...now you can. You can't transfer and be eligible immediately...Lawsuit...they cave...now you can. Schools cant pay athletes directly....Lawsuit....they cave...now you can.

Take a Bear Wilson (RIP) type player. If he knew his 40 time wouldn't get him on a NFL team. However, he have very high value in college. NCAA is standing in his way of earning a living. Lawsuit.....what happens?


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I keep wondering when the first person is going to sue the NCAA over claiming they have no eligibility left. Take a guy that is good enough to start at a SEC school but knows he may not make it in NFL. He can now make good money in NIL vs Zero in NFL. He can just keep taking classes to stay in school. NCAA says you have no eligibility left....So what. I am still a student I am playing where i can get paid. Pound sand NCAA. Just a couple of years ago they said you couldn't get paid. Lawsuit...they cave...now you can. You can't transfer and be eligible immediately...Lawsuit...they cave...now you can. Schools cant pay athletes directly....Lawsuit....they cave...now you can.

Take a Bear Wilson (RIP) type player. If he knew his 40 time wouldn't get him on a NFL team. However, he have very high value in college. NCAA is standing in his way of earning a living. Lawsuit.....what happens?
I think that day is coming. We’ll have a bunch of guys in their late 20s who would be playing XFL for peanuts today playing for their 8th school in the last decade all over college football.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
A new pro league has been formed. And that league has a network 10 times more vast than the NFL, twice as many teams and fanbases loyal enough to their programs to shiv you over players like they're a pack of cigarettes in prison.

Schools sell the rights to the NIL collectives. The collectives form a league. The players enter the league draft out of high school.

You gotta move swiftly before the NFL pivots and begins taking 18 year olds.. cause you can bet your sweetass.. if kids can be employed by schools it's no different than them playing for the Shield.

Now... a bunch of you are going to say it can never happen. So I ask you: How long ago was it when you were saying schools would never pay players directly?

The moment college football wises up... the war with the NFL is on like Donkey Kong.
I don't think the NFL Player's Association is going to let the league start signing 18 year olds. NFL careers are already short enough without having to worry about a new crop of potential replacements coming in.

I also don't think the NFL team owners are going to invest millions of dollars into kids whose best competition was DeSoto High School or IMG Academy. College is a minor league/combine they don't have to subsidize.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
I keep wondering when the first person is going to sue the NCAA over claiming they have no eligibility left.

Exactly... just go before a federal judge and claim there are no jobs to be found with the first degree you got but you CAN find employment with a different degree. However.. you can't pay for it cause you're broke. And see.. if you could just qualify for a scholarship then could get that second degree and change your life.


Judge rules you got gamed by the system on your first go round and that you should be allowed to further your education on the backs of your athletic talent.

The education thing is all a farce. Perhaps at some level it always was, but today the music has died and it truly is.

Man.. we still gotta bunch of folks thinking it's 1996 and Jackie is running out of that tunnel.

College football is pro sports.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
I think that day is coming. We’ll have a bunch of guys in their late 20s who would be playing XFL for peanuts today playing for their 8th school in the last decade all over college football.
This could be a boon for fan-favorite players. I say go for it; I would've taken 15 years of Sleepy Robinson at QB


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
The NFL's salary cap is $255M/team. What's our NIL total for 2024? I'm guessing $10M would be a big number. So, what, $50M at bama and a&m?

You're only thinking about NIL. I'm talking about my new CPFL (Collegiate Professional Football League).

And the CPFL has just negotiated staggering deals for the media rights with Amazon, Netflix and Apple.

Y'all still thinking small potatoes, man... I'm telling you, what's coming is YUGE.
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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
Remember back when freshman didn’t play on the varsity squad and there was a separate freshman team? Kids were thrilled to be on scholarship and get a free education. My how things have changed. Change is constant in life, but not always good. I expect that my Grandkids will eventually say, remember back when we were kids and Colleges had sports teams?


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
You're only thinking about NIL. I'm talking about my new CPFL (Collegiate Professional Football League).

And the CPFL has just negotiated staggering deals for the media rights with Amazon, Netflix and Apple.

Y'all still thinking small potatoes, man... I'm telling you, what's coming is YUGE.
I gotta tell you, I don't really see that happening. If it did, would certainly be interesting to watch. If anything, I'd predict Amazon/Netflix come to regret these deals w/ CFB.

ETA: The football-watching market seems pretty saturated to me; I guess the NFL picked up some new Swiftie eyeballs last year but by and large, everyone who wants to watch football is already doing so. So for CFB to compete w/ NFL, some big number of NFL fans will have to re-allocate their dollars and eyeballs. I don't really see many Chiefs fans abandoning them to go all-in on KU/Mizzou football, but I've been wrong before.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Kids were thrilled to be on scholarship and get a free education.

See.. as State fans that's how we've always thought. The rules will elevate and protect us.

Meanwhile, Oklahoma and Texas were flying Marcus Dupree cross country and buying his family houses and cars.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2007
You're only thinking about NIL. I'm talking about my new CPFL (Collegiate Professional Football League).

And the CPFL has just negotiated staggering deals for the media rights with Amazon, Netflix and Apple.

Y'all still thinking small potatoes, man... I'm telling you, what's coming is YUGE.
Forbes say NFL will make $125 BILLION in the next 10 years. Good luck to college football trying to compete with that.

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
If anything, I'd predict Amazon/Netflix come to regret these deals w/ CFB.

Netflix paid $200M to make something called Red Notice with Dwyane Johnson and Wonder Woman. I'm guessing they'd toss $1Billy at a 30 game slate of the CPFL.
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Netflix paid $200M to make something called Red Notice with Dwyane Johnson and Wonder Woman. I'm guessing they'd toss $1Billy at a 30 game slate of the CPFL.
Your point stands, but I believe that is still the most-streamed movie in Netflix history.
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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
The advantage NFL has, is fewer teams to distribute the wealthy and competitive balance. Somewhat.....

CFB has a bunch of teams that have zero chance to compete. I can look at college games on tv every week and tell who will win before the game starts. We can all guess the few teams that will win the B1G and SEC. CFB will have to trim a lot of fat.
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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
The advantage NFL has, is fewer teams to distribute the wealthy and competitive balance.
It's about inventory.

The NFL has 32 teams playing a 17 game schedule for a total of 272 games in a regular season.

The new CPFL will have 60 teams and play a 15 game schedule for a total of 450 games in a regular season.

So.... for comparison, the CPFL has 187% the number of teams, but the regular season game inventory is only 165%.

I haven't figured out the playoff scenarios yet but I suspect the CPFL will make up some ground there against the total offerings of the NFL.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
See.. as State fans that's how we've always thought. The rules will elevate and protect us.

Meanwhile, Oklahoma and Texas were flying Marcus Dupree cross country and buying his family houses and cars.
I remember going over to watch practice after work and seeing Marcus Dupree being a guest one day. He stood on the sidelines and talked to Coach Bellard for quiet awhile. Later Coach kind of walked around behind him and observed his impressive physique like he was looking to buy a quarter horse or something. I understand what was going on then, UM was already deeply corrupt back in those days. I hated what football had become then and I am disgusted by what it has become today. College football has always been a big part of my life and I have probably attended more State games than 99 percent of the people that frequent this board, however, I would have never considered selling my soul and giving money for the purpose of committing illegal activities to support it. Don’t think we didn’t do some of that too. I personally knew a guy that was our bagman back in those days. No doubt that we offered Marcus Dupree but we couldn’t compete then with the big schools just like we can’t compete now. Bottom line, I was just raised differently than that and want no part of it. A man has to be able to look in the mirror every morning and not be ashamed of the face looking back at him.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
Srcew the NFL. If they'd been smart, they would have gotten proactive and started a minor league system years ago.

Now a handful of select universities and communities may end up competing directly with the NFL teams.

The Titans, Falcons, Browns, Bengals, Texans, Dolphins are going to need a lot of help from the league in the new operating model.

And really what are the rules now? Shorty McWilliams played for about nine years with various colleges back in the days as a paid player.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Since I'm ignoring all real work on the Friday before a holiday..

So my CPFL (what I hear most folks are already calling the Xeno League) will have 60 teams and 450 regular season games.

As commissioner I will offer media companies 45 game tranches priced at $1B each per year on a 5 year contract.

Playoffs will be 20 teams, 19 games and be offered for $2B on a 3 year contract.

Yearly revenue from media rights totals: $12B

Split 62 ways (60 teams and 2 shares for league operating expenses): $193.5M / Team

Then there are countless other revenue streams to consider:
Ticket sales
Alabama merch in the Cullman Walmart


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Since I'm ignoring all real work on the Friday before a holiday..

So my CPFL (what I hear most folks are already calling the Xeno League) will have 60 teams and 450 regular season games.

As commissioner I will offer media companies 45 game tranches priced at $1B each per year on a 5 year contract.

Playoffs will be 20 teams, 19 games and be offered for $2B on a 3 year contract.

Yearly revenue from media rights totals: $12B

Split 62 ways (60 teams and 2 shares for league operating expenses): $193.5M / Team

Then there are countless other revenue streams to consider:
Ticket sales
Alabama merch in the Cullman Walmart
Even in a 60 team league, do we really think folks are gonna want to watch UCLA at Purdue in numbers remotely on par with Browns at Titans? The current viewership numbers say absolutely not.

As far as other revenue streams like ticket sales, sponsorships, and merch: those are COMPLETELY saturated as it is. Where are these new dollars coming from? I just don't see it.
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
The East Coast is massed in number of people who preferred NFL over College. The East Coast loves their NFL.
I recently learned about 50% of the USA population lives in the Eastern time zone. I knew it was the biggest but no idea it was that much bigger. Central is about 30%, Mountain is about 5% and Pacific is 15%.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Even in a 60 team league, do we really think folks are gonna want to watch UCLA at Purdue in numbers remotely on par with Browns at Titans? The current viewership numbers say absolutely not.

As far as other revenue streams like ticket sales, sponsorships, and merch: those are COMPLETELY saturated as it is. Where are these new dollars coming from? I just don't see it.
But.. just for right now until we get this thing really rollin'... it doesn't matter how many want to watch UCLA v Purdue because that game will be in a slice of the pie with Bama v Texas and some other choice ingredients.

And that's a pie piece for which I'm charging $1B.
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
But.. just for right now until we get this thing really rollin'... it doesn't matter how many want to watch UCLA v Purdue because that game will be in a slice of the pie with Bama v Texas and some other choice ingredients.

And that's a pie piece for which I'm charging $1B.
$1B is what Amazon pays for just Thursday night games.



Well-known member
May 28, 2007
The East Coast is massed in number of people who preferred NFL over College. The East Coast loves their NFL.
Even in places like Texas, as much as they love the Longhorns & Aggies, the Cowboys dwarf them. The NFL is just magnitudes bigger than college football.
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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2004
As long as there is eligibility requirements the NFL won’t care. Remove that, and you’ll see them make moves. College has no incentive to remove those requirements. They have an endless supply of replacements without having to compete financially with the NFL.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
The NFL's salary cap is $255M/team. What's our NIL total for 2024? I'm guessing $10M would be a big number. So, what, $50M at bama and a&m?

I wouldn't really call that a new competitor. Not to mention, my sense is college football is hemorrhaging fans, while NFL seems to be forever upward. Or at least, if CFB isn't outright losing fans, people are noticeably ratcheting down their engagement.

As far as 18 year olds in NFL, 99% of even SEC players simply could not make an NFL roster at 18/19 years old. If the NFL wanted them they would have gotten them by now.
Agreed, I think the NFL views college football in the same way that it always has… a training ground for players to be NFL-ready on day 1 that they arrive to the league, and if the colleges want to start paying them to train, more power to them
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Well-known member
May 6, 2009
The nfl averaged 17.9 million people watching their games last year. Just your average game. 210 million people watched the Super Bowl. 25 million watched the CFB national championship game. They aren’t in the same realm and never will be.
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