Just so we're clear, I hope you lose bad.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Yes, and this loser has probably never set foot in Bryant Denny. He gets to see Bama 2 or 3 times a year on TV when they play on network TV. That is all that he can receive on the rabbit ears in his single wide. I can picture him now, kicked back on his LaZboy that he retrieved from the local dump watching the big Bama game on the 13" black and white while his sister/wife is in the kitchen fetching him a beer and cooking his meal.


OEMDawg said:
Yes, and this loser has probably never set foot in Bryant Denny. He gets to see Bama 2 or 3 times a year on TV when they play on network TV. That is all that he can receive on the rabbit ears in his single wide. I can picture him now, kicked back on his LaZboy that he retrieved from the local dump watching the big Bama game on the 13" black and white while his sister/wife is in the kitchen fetching him a beer and cooking his <span style="text-decoration:line-through">meal</span> squirrel dumplings.

Had to fix that for you...lol