Medicaid expansion vote

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Well-known member
May 29, 2013
Exactly what I'm getting at. It's not going to save rural hospitals in the long run. It may slow things down, but it's not going to really change things. Obamacare was designed to force consolidation in healthcare delivery. It has been extremely effective at that. Small rural hospitals that are not part of a bigger system are doomed long term no matter what happens with Medicaid. The ones that do become part of a bigger system may have some chance, as bigger systems have an easier time passing on expenses to others to make up for the Medicaid driven shortfall. I'm not against expansion (I'm not for it either), I'd just like to see an honest debate about it. We are not getting that now. It's being held up as the savior for Lower Bugtussle County Hospital. It's not that, and was never intended to be.
I agree with that. Obamacare was 100% setting up consolidation


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
At the risk of putting words in your mouth, it sounds like most of your beef is with capitalists?
The blame (if that's the correct word to use, it probably isn't. It was a policy choice) rests with the government, they pretty much set reimbursement rates, even the private ones. I know almost nobody understands that, but it is the truth. do some digging. The structure as set stacks the deck against small systems in rural areas and has for a long time. Obamcare just hastened an already in place process. It has also forced major structural changes in delivery in non-rural areas to happen much faster. Everyone has noticed that, even if they don't know the reason. It's essentially the same argument as school consolidation. Some argue that is good, others are not so sure. Personally I like to work for my clients, and I like for my providers when I need healthcare to work for me. When we/they work for a bigger system, we/they work for the system. No matter what you prefer, it's going to the big systems.
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Sep 10, 2009
I don't see how what I said was gaslighting. I also don't pretend to be an expert in theology but I do know that the bible and all its parables are riddled with nuance. What I also see is a Governor who constantly touts his position as a Christian and anchors most of his political agenda to that. So I challenge the hypocrisy of not doing something that could be beneficial to pregnant women, kids, the elderly, the poor, etc.. Yes, this is government... but let's not act like people don't use their government positions to influence certain things close to their beliefs. I'm not attacking or diminishing anyone's religious beliefs by saying these things.
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Active member
May 4, 2016
The Bible - "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Tate Reeves - "Can't use our tax money to pay for the poor! No handouts for "these" people."

What a great example he is to us all.
Please show me the verse that says to give your money to the government and let them use a percentage of it to take care of the poor. Even if the government was legit and use 100% to benefit the needy, that method is not what is described in the Word.

It the church's (all Christians) responsibility to take care of those that CAN'T take care of themselves (widows and orphans in scripture).

And yes, my church routinely help people with medical bills, utility bills, transportation, food, etc. We are supposed to do it, not the government.

Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
Please show me the verse that says to give your money to the government and let them use a percentage of it to take care of the poor. Even if the government was legit and use 100% to benefit the needy, that method is not what is described in the Word.

It the church's (all Christians) responsibility to take care of those that CAN'T take care of themselves (widows and orphans in scripture).

And yes, my church routinely help people with medical bills, utility bills, transportation, food, etc. We are supposed to do it, not the government.
Just playing my advocate here, what about the people who for whatever reason can not get help from the churches?


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
We are supposed to do it, not the government.
Not a rhetorical question, but at what point has the church fulfilled this charge? Looking at it another way, when the Church does fail, is government (which in our case is simply... people) to sit by and do nothing?
Not saying I have answers to these - it's thought-provoking.


Active member
May 4, 2016
Just playing my advocate here, what about the people who for whatever reason can not get help from the churches?
I'm not for anyone suffering unjustly. And honestly, there are far too many who are nominal Christians only (people and churches) and not practicing Christians. My point was to contradict the stance that if you don't vote for the government to take care of people, you are a bad example of Christian living.

Just for the record, the Word also says to "let those that will not work also not eat.". It is not sympathetic for slothfulness which is one of the leading causes of poverty.
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Feb 24, 2008
I'm in the healthcare industry.
A custodian at a school is in the education industry, but that doesn't mean they are an expert in school finance.

Not saying this fully applies to you, but it's something I think about when I see someone claim authority because they are 'in the industry'.
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
A custodian at a school is in the education industry, but that doesn't mean they are an expert in school finance.

Not saying this fully applies to you, but it's something I think about when I see someone claim authority because they are 'in the industry'.
You got me, I sweep up at the local government clinic.
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Just for the record, the Word also says to "let those that will not work also not eat.". It is not sympathetic for slothfulness which is one of the leading causes of poverty.
How do you square this with the Workers of the Vineyard parable? We all receive mercy and grace which we have not earned.


New member
May 15, 2021
Tate is on the wrong side of this argument. Medicaid expansion is the right thing to do. We are already paying for other states Medicaid so why shouldn't we get to participate in it since we are already paying for it.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You got me, I sweep up at the local government clinic.
Again, not claiming that.
But if you do...

Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
I'm not for anyone suffering unjustly. And honestly, there are far too many who are nominal Christians only (people and churches) and not practicing Christians. My point was to contradict the stance that if you don't vote for the government to take care of people, you are a bad example of Christian living.

Just for the record, the Word also says to "let those that will not work also not eat.". It is not sympathetic for slothfulness which is one of the leading causes of poverty.
That is an awesome answer, unfortunately none of it addresses my question. I honestly could care less about who is a nominal Christian and who is not, no offense. It is great that churches and by extension Christians want to help people, but there is not nearly enough of them to help all the people that need it. I am all for churches helping people, but there is a large percentage of people out there that the churches, even if everybody in them was a good Christian, simply can not help. So what entity should help when the churches do not have the resources to?
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Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
Well Duh....He's obviously a caddie **
I thought he was a girls volleyball coach from Iowa? **** Now those two things put together are likely to make one an expert in a variety of fields along with the power of cut and paste and some good old condescension.*****


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I thought he was a girls volleyball coach from Iowa? **** Now those two things put together are likely to make one an expert in a variety of fields along with the power of cut and paste and some good old condescension.*****

So this is one of those 'dont mention me, but I can mention you' sort of situations. Good to know.

No offense Mr. Golfer, but we have had our run ins in the past. I would much prefer if you could keep from mentioning me in any of your posts. I do not want to be associated with you or your posts, thank you. Have a wonderful day.

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
The Bible - "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Tate Reeves - "Can't use our tax money to pay for the poor! No handouts for "these" people."

What a great example he is to us all.
Don't go taking things literal. Before you know it you'll be saying crazy things like love your neighbor and other senseless crap that might indicated that we were called to love others and God went ahead and let himself remain judge...selfish if you ask me.***
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I'm having trouble understanding how something is worse than nothing. Fair enough on the slice of folks currently otherwise insured; I'd be interested to see how many people this is.
In states that have expanded medicaid, they have seen some low wage workers get shifted from private insurance to medicaid, which reduces the amount hospitals are paid. So if you consider the private insurance rate to be 100%, the medicare 70%, medicaid 30%, and uninsured the same as non-paying, for every patient that move from private health insurance to medicaid you have to have two move from non-paying to medicaid.

I would assume for most hospitals, you'd see more than 2 medicaid patients gained for every 1 private insured moved to medicaid (or whatever the actual ratio needs to be; in reality it would depend on what services are involved, but I would guess it would range from somewhere north of 1:1 with confidence, but no clue what the high end would be; I would guess less than 4:1 but not with a ton of confidence). I think if you pressed people making this claim they would say that expanding Medicaid makes it harder to politically get a fix that "works" rather than actually claiming that the net result is negative in the short term.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I think people without healthcare should just keep going to the emergency room for their sniffles and aches. Then proceed to not pay the bills and cause the entire healthcare system to raise their rates on those of us who do pay our bills.
Access to preventative, or regular health care, is a huge part of the issue. Even if you have a primary physician and insurance, sometimes, it's hard to get in if you are sick to get treated. NPs have eased that somewhat, but I fear that it might be at a health cost yet to be determined.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Please show me the verse that says to give your money to the government and let them use a percentage of it to take care of the poor. Even if the government was legit and use 100% to benefit the needy, that method is not what is described in the Word.

It the church's (all Christians) responsibility to take care of those that CAN'T take care of themselves (widows and orphans in scripture).

And yes, my church routinely help people with medical bills, utility bills, transportation, food, etc. We are supposed to do it, not the government.
Matthew 22:25-22, Render unto Caesar (pay your taxes). Anyway, I don't think the Bible is important here because it can be used sometimes to justify and condemn the same thing depending on the interpretation (some Jews, for instance, think parts of Leviticus and Deuteronomy promote socialism (the kibbutz). I think it's for my soul and not my political ideology and I'm a big separation of church and state guy.

This is a public policy issue. Where has Medicare expansion screwed up a state, its people and state budgets? I suspect it's not as great as advertised but merely bringing up the word "Obamacare" doesn't reflexively make me oppose it. There always seems to be a knee-jerk reaction to not helping the poor, especially if they're Dems, using taxpayer money by Republicans, something that doesn't sit well with the national electorate. In the scheme of things, it doesn't cost states much. And if it doesn't work out well, just repeal it.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I don't see how what I said was gaslighting. I also don't pretend to be an expert in theology but I do know that the bible and all its parables are riddled with nuance. What I also see is a Governor who constantly touts his position as a Christian and anchors most of his political agenda to that. So I challenge the hypocrisy of not doing something that could be beneficial to pregnant women, kids, the elderly, the poor, etc.. Yes, this is government... but let's not act like people don't use their government positions to influence certain things close to their beliefs. I'm not attacking or diminishing anyone's religious beliefs by saying these things.
You can challenge the hypocrisy of many Christians all you want to. That's fine, and I would agree with you.

But don't come at me trying to tell me I'm supposed to support government-funded welfare because Jesus told us to. Get out of here with that. Whether you intended to or not, that was absolutely an attack on a Christian's religious beliefs.

Just to be clear, I'm 100% for the expansion of Medicaid.

Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022

So this is one of those 'dont mention me, but I can mention you' sort of situations. Good to know.

For the record I was not responding to one of your posts, also I asked you not to mention me that was never reciprocated by you so in my mind I am free to mention you all I want. If you would like me to exclude you from any of my future posts I will be glad to do so.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
The trust so many have in The Rich Men North of Richmond to make things better 100% of the time is sad. insurers, big pharma, and most hospitals.are all going bank while the rest bend over and worship their D.C. Overlords. Medicaid & Medicare fraud surpasses all health insurance company profits which are now exceeding $100B per year so 17 a lot of the providers too. But despite the corruption paid for by us unrepresented Tax Slaves we collectively say "Thank You Sir May I have Another."
I suspect no one actually thinks government is going to help them "100% of the time" unless they're incredibly ignorant. But it can help and it has programs for specific constituencies. I'm well off, I won't be helped directly by Medicaid expansion but that's fine with me. I'm wealthy. And in comparison to the rest of the world, America is a pretty awesome place to live and, although I love going to Europe (can't wait for summer to happen), I prefer America even with our big government. There are things about government that are frustrating but I don't let those things make me especially angry or unhappy.

Also, maybe increase the budget and hire more fraud investigators so we can cut down on it.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
You can challenge the hypocrisy of many Christians all you want to. That's fine, and I would agree with you.

But don't come at me trying to tell me I'm supposed to support government-funded welfare because Jesus told us to. Get out of here with that. Whether you intended to or not, that was absolutely an attack on a Christian's religious beliefs.

Just to be clear, I'm 100% for the expansion of Medicaid.
When some far lefty libz find out I'm religious and conservative, they pull the religion card even though they don't know much about Christianity at all. They just think do. One I know has a sign on his car that says Jesus was a liberal. He no longer speaks to me because I told him that wasn't true because Jesus hung out with, lived with and personally helped the poor, including non-whites, something few well-off white liberals do.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Mississippi- some of the highest grocery taxes, highest car tags, highest taxes in general (Top 20 or so), highest fuel taxes, lowest income, worst educated, and worst health care. The Republicans have the priorities like volleyball facilities, new roads for their homes, and helping friends with their businesses I guess.
^^^hates volleyball
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
For the record I was not responding to one of your posts, also I asked you not to mention me that was never reciprocated by you so in my mind I am free to mention you all I want. If you would like to exclude you from any of my future posts I will be glad to do so.
Bud, I have no idea what you are talking about.

- A month ago you said we had run-ins in the past. I dont know what your name was before Lucifer, I guess Samael, but it was news to me that we had run-ins in the past.
- You said you didnt want me to mention you in any of my posts. Since you said that, I havent mentioned you or responded to your posts...until just now in this thread. It sure seems like I accepted and implemented your request.
- You posted a joking comment about me. So I pointed out, in what I thought was a humorous way, that you can apparently comment about me but I cant comment about you('keep from mentioning me in any of your posts').

I will go back to not mentioning you or replying to you, as you requested a month ago. Sucks that a funny Office reference was wasted.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I'm not one to argue theology, but there is ample space for context in this passage (Matthew 25:40). It certainly doesn't tell us it is specifically about charity. See Proverbs 14:31
Please don't bring the Bible into this unless it contains the constitution, the bill of rights and a catchy Lee Greenwood tune, just like God would have written it the first time if America had been around. Surely Isaiah 58 was just written to fill space between 57 and 59...***


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I, personally, am waiting for Trump to release his plan to “repeal and replace” ObamaCare. I know those 2016 and 2020 elections slipped up on us all, but 2024 could be the year.

On a serious note, I think there are 10 states that haven’t expanded. Trump won 9 of them. It just looks like partisanship to me.
Well, we don't trust these modern healthcare shysters. I'll just focus on my medical leech farm where I prep them for use on Ivermectin injected horses, and leave you progressive rubes to subject yourselves to stupid things like measles vaccinations, anitbiotics and such.

Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
Bud, I have no idea what you are talking about.

- A month ago you said we had run-ins in the past. I dont know what your name was before Lucifer, I guess Samael, but it was news to me that we had run-ins in the past.
- You said you didnt want me to mention you in any of my posts. Since you said that, I havent mentioned you or responded to your posts...until just now in this thread. It sure seems like I accepted and implemented your request.
- You posted a joking comment about me. So I pointed out, in what I thought was a humorous way, that you can apparently comment about me but I cant comment about you('keep from mentioning me in any of your posts').

I will go back to not mentioning you or replying to you, as you requested a month ago. Sucks that a funny Office reference was wasted.
I would prefer not to be called your bud. I was just pointing out you never requested that I leave you out of any of my posts so in my mind I was free to mention you. I wanted to be left out of your posts because they are usually so poorly received that I did not want to be associated with them. This was after you had mentioned me in some kind of post that I do not remember off the top of my head as many people do on here when they bring up something revolving around the Devil. Usually I am more than fine with being mentioned in random posts by anybody on here just not by you.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I agree with that. Obamacare was 100% setting up consolidation

That was such a weird choice for the Obamacare architects. I get that the people designing it didn't really understand markets or believe in competition and thought that fewer, bigger organizations would be more efficient than more smaller organizations, but surely somebody at some point tried to point out that pushing providers to consolidate would just mean it's harder for the insurers to negotiate rates down, which would also put upward pressure on medicare and medicaid rates. I guess they thought it would help them move to single payer more quickly, especially if there had been a "public option" like originally contemplated, but still just a terrible choice.

Semi-OT, that comment reminded me of a a legislative update for a trade group I went to not too long after Obamacare was passed and it was pretty jarring to hear the person, who I think was from HHS (but can't remember; could have been CMS or whatever), talk about rural areas needing to accept that they were going to have triage centers rather than hospitals going forward. Not that she was that open about it, but just the disdain she had for the questions when people expressed concerns over that. Just like she thought living in a rural area was a moral failing and it was crazy for someone in a county with 40,000 people to want a hospital that could treat a heart attack or stroke beyond stabilizing them and putting them in an ambulance for a 60 or 90 mile ride. Which the way they have designed the system, it's probably not easy for a county with 40k people to have an independent hospital, but outside of regulations and limiting the number of doctors, I'm not sure why that'd be the case.
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Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
Bud, I have no idea what you are talking about.

- A month ago you said we had run-ins in the past. I dont know what your name was before Lucifer, I guess Samael, but it was news to me that we had run-ins in the past.
- You said you didnt want me to mention you in any of my posts. Since you said that, I havent mentioned you or responded to your posts...until just now in this thread. It sure seems like I accepted and implemented your request.
- You posted a joking comment about me. So I pointed out, in what I thought was a humorous way, that you can apparently comment about me but I cant comment about you('keep from mentioning me in any of your posts').

I will go back to not mentioning you or replying to you, as you requested a month ago. Sucks that a funny Office reference was wasted.
People running for fun is proof that the Devil is real. Nobody else would me so mean as to trick poor saps into thinking running is fun.

@Lucifer Morningstar - I am on to you!

Above would be the post in question where you mentioned me. I am sorry it took me a minute to find it.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
How do you square this with the Workers of the Vineyard parable? We all receive mercy and grace which we have not earned.
Just not related at all in this context. I'm not a biblical scholar, but I feel like if there were a "robinhood parable" in the bible where it directed you to satisfy your obligations to extend charity or grace by using the threat of force to take from others, surely somebody on the left would have pointed it out by now.
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