Rave review of offense coming out of fall camp


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2022
Who ever knows what to make of these reports? Always have to take them with a grain of salt, if even that. But, for whatever it's worth, both offensive and defensive players are raving about the offense. Rattler said he's had "no growing pains" adjusting to the new offense and has had the best fall camp of his career. Other reports said Rattler is "playing like a man possessed." Defensive players say the offense has been so explosive its forcing them to get better every day. I read an article from an Arkansas site that said Arkansas fans are nervous about the reports out of our camp, making them wonder if they missed out on Loggains.

But, obviously, any reports out of our camp come from just there...our camp. But I guess it's better than hearing about players experiencing growing pains while learning the new offense. I don't recall hearing an rave reviews about Satterfield's offense during fall camp.


Feb 2, 2022
Who ever knows what to make of these reports? Always have to take them with a grain of salt, if even that. But, for whatever it's worth, both offensive and defensive players are raving about the offense. Rattler said he's had "no growing pains" adjusting to the new offense and has had the best fall camp of his career. Other reports said Rattler is "playing like a man possessed." Defensive players say the offense has been so explosive its forcing them to get better every day. I read an article from an Arkansas site that said Arkansas fans are nervous about the reports out of our camp, making them wonder if they missed out on Loggains.

But, obviously, any reports out of our camp come from just there...our camp. But I guess it's better than hearing about players experiencing growing pains while learning the new offense. I don't recall hearing an rave reviews about Satterfield's offense during fall camp.

Make of them what you'd like. My reference point is the Spring Game/Fall Camp when Corey Jenkins became the starting QB. We had all kinds of rave reviews about the offense and him also, but we all know how that turned out. From that point, I just learned to take reviews of practice reports with a large grain of salt.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Who ever knows what to make of these reports? Always have to take them with a grain of salt, if even that. But, for whatever it's worth, both offensive and defensive players are raving about the offense. Rattler said he's had "no growing pains" adjusting to the new offense and has had the best fall camp of his career. Other reports said Rattler is "playing like a man possessed." Defensive players say the offense has been so explosive its forcing them to get better every day. I read an article from an Arkansas site that said Arkansas fans are nervous about the reports out of our camp, making them wonder if they missed out on Loggains.

But, obviously, any reports out of our camp come from just there...our camp. But I guess it's better than hearing about players experiencing growing pains while learning the new offense. I don't recall hearing an rave reviews about Satterfield's offense during fall camp.
I don't remember hearing rave reviews about Satterfield's offense - ever!

Fried Chicken

Well-known member
Jan 30, 2022
I’m not shocked about getting rave reviews. It has been so dismal under Satterfield, I can’t imagine there not being a significant leap. He really was a disaster. Everything looked so difficult. And I’m not talking about play calls / language. When I watched other teams play, they had a rhythm and could at least run a few plays. For us, getting the ball snapped looked complicated. Nothing ever came easy.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Who ever knows what to make of these reports? Always have to take them with a grain of salt, if even that. But, for whatever it's worth, both offensive and defensive players are raving about the offense. Rattler said he's had "no growing pains" adjusting to the new offense and has had the best fall camp of his career. Other reports said Rattler is "playing like a man possessed." Defensive players say the offense has been so explosive its forcing them to get better every day. I read an article from an Arkansas site that said Arkansas fans are nervous about the reports out of our camp, making them wonder if they missed out on Loggains.

But, obviously, any reports out of our camp come from just there...our camp. But I guess it's better than hearing about players experiencing growing pains while learning the new offense. I don't recall hearing an rave reviews about Satterfield's offense during fall camp.
I saw some of the comments of regret on the Arkansas board regarding Loggains moving to SC and the impact on Rattler and the offense. Trusting Beamer, as he appears to be making good decisions and is a positive influence like his dad.


Joined Aug 17, 2018
Jan 20, 2022
And if there are rave reviews about the offense, that makes me worried about the defense!

I'm just ready for real games that matter!!

The Reel Ess

Joined Feb 3, 2005
Jan 31, 2022
And if there are rave reviews about the offense, that makes me worried about the defense!

I'm just ready for real games that matter!!
Well, when you get to call plays for both sides you manipulate the outcome. So it's a grain of salt for me until I see otherwise. I'm sure there are lots of other teams whose players feel optimistic about their prospects.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
And if there are rave reviews about the offense, that makes me worried about the defense!

I'm just ready for real games that matter!!

This was my thought. The OL looks good? What does that say about the DL? Etc.

Preseason talk is just that, talk.

Can't wait for the season the start.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2022
I fully agree with all the posts about taking these reports with a grain of salt (as that was the 2nd sentence of my post). Nevertheless, Gamecock fans must be the fanbase that is the most resistant thoughts of optimism in the country lol.

Big JC

Well-known member
May 12, 2023
Since the defense generally dominates early in the season, hearing the offense is doing well leads me to believe the defense may be stinking it up. If that is the case, how good is the offense really?