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Steve Sarkisian details balancing bowl game, offseason tasks

NS_headshot_clearbackgroundby:Nick Schultz12/08/22


Bowl game preparation is underway across college football, but teams also have to get their preparations started for the offseason. With the transfer portal open for business, that balancing act is even tougher, and Texas coach Steve Sarkisian had a candid answer about that.

The portal window opened this week and more than 1,000 players have already entered. That means they can be recruited by other schools. But as the Longhorns prepare for the Alamo Bowl, Sarkisian said prioritizing is the key as December goes along.

He said it’s important to go day by day.

“I think at the end of the day it’s … about prioritizing,” Sarkisian said. “It’s what are you doing today. Today, we happen to be here for this press conference, then you go on to doing your home visits, then you get ready for practice tomorrow. You just go through it. I think at the end of the day, our players understand that. We dive into what we need to dive into. We go according to the process of what’s expected of us. That’s what we do.

“I wish I could say it more eloquently, but that’s exactly what happens. You just handle what’s in front of you, then you go tackle it.”

Steve Sarkisian reflects on Washington tenure ahead of Alamo Bowl

San Antonio is a familiar bowl destination for Texas fans, with the Alamo Bowl becoming nearly a yearly tradition. Three out of the last four years have seen the Longhorns go up against Pac-12 opponents, with this year’s being a fresh face — Washington.

The Huskies are far from fresh for head coach Steve Sarkisian, though. He got his career started with the program back in 2009. Sarkisian joined after previously being the USC offensive coordinator and still has fond memories of his time in the Pacific Northwest.

“My time at Washington is one that I’ll never forget,” Sarkisian said. “Special times, special place. That place was incredible. The fan base was incredible. I don’t take it lightly.”