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Bring Back the U - Miami Hurricanes Collective

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Miami Hurricanes

Bring Back the U Logo
launch date

Jul 2021


annual goal

No Data

confirmed raise

No Data

  • Dan Lambert


JUNE 7, 2023 UPDATE: It appears that Bring Back the U is no longer operating as an NIL collective supporting Miami student-athletes. The collective’s website is still active, but the site and social media accounts have not been in quite some time. PREVIOUS INFORMATION: Founded in July 2021 by MMA team owner Dan Lambert and MMA fighter Jorge Masvidal, Bring Back the U is focused on returning the Hurricane football program back to greatness. “Every University of Miami football fan is familiar with the rich tradition of excellence the team built between 1983 and 2001,” Bring Back the U’s website says. “Unfortunately, the team has not been successful in living up to those standards since that time. Concurrently, many followers of college football have long been concerned by the fact that an extremely small amount of the money generated by the sport has been allowed to trickle down to the athletes most responsible for the generation of the revenue.” All money received from fundraisers and donations is funneled to players through local businesses. The collective provides a liaison between players and sponsors. The company helps businesses identify the appropriate athlete and advertising campaign. It also hosts events and fundraisers, distributing all proceeds to local small businesses for the purpose of signing endorsement deals with players.

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