Contact information for

Please do not send e-mail if you have a sports related question or comment. Instead please use the Warchant Forums. For all message board issues including warnings, bannings and disruptive posters please use the Report Tab under the post, or you can email the moderators directly: [email protected]. 

Customer Support – Email [email protected]. For changing usernames and emails, or inquires about log-in issues email [email protected] OR submit a Support TicketIMPORTANT: Please include your username. This is the ONLY way we can look up your account.

Message Boards – Email [email protected] for questions, disputes, complaints or to contact the moderators. You can also interact directly on the message boards by clicking the message icon on the top right. Staff Directory

[email protected] – Gene Williams, Founder and Administrator

[email protected] – Ira Schoffel, Managing Editor

[email protected] – Michael Langston, Recruiting Analyst

[email protected] – Corey Clark, Senior Writer

[email protected] – Aslan Hajivandi, Director of digital media

[email protected] – Terry Clark, lead moderator and customer support

[email protected] Jeff Cameron, Director Multimedia / Host Jeff Cameron Show

[email protected] Tom Lang, Director of Original Content/Executive Producer, “The Jeff Cameron Show”

[email protected]Matt LaSerre, Staff Writer