QuitBeggin Returns (posted by QuitBeggin)

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003

First of all let QuitBeggin say that in his absence he has seen this board take a turn for the worse. This board was formed by cool people doing what they do best - hazing others and discussing topics that are funny. Suddenly there has been an influx of goons and it's sickening. QB would say "you know who you are, so leave" but the sad thing is that you DON'T know who you are and there in lies the problem.

Which leads us to why Miss. State is a piece of **** institution. QB will give The Swan some credit when he said it is the fans fault. It is the fans fault but not for the reasons that the Swan said. It's the fans fault for being such blatant ASSCLOWNS.

CASE #1: To get 50 yd. line seats, one must give at least $2,500 to the BC. One might think that to give this much money would mean that you're a big State fun. HAHA, joke's on QB and the rest of the real fans. EVERY SINGLE GAME there are opposing fans sitting in Section D. When will this **** end? Not anytime soon. Why? Because most State fans SUCK ***!!!! It's bad enough when State fans give (or sell) their tix to opposing fans but to sell them to ole miss fans is ridiculous. If you did this you suck and QB would like to rip off your F'n head and take a Templeton down your throat. We were "lucky" enough to have 2 typical ole miss students (ties and all) sitting 2 rows in front of us. Hey ******, you ever find your cell phone??? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA. Nice gel in your hair!!!! Nice outfit to prick. If your parents or whoever the hell they were weren't in between you and QuitBeggin, he would have blasted your F'n face after you grabbed your crotch and made an even bigger *** out of yourself. ******!!!!!!

Case #2: State fans put up with the **** that the administration feeds you. Yall just cower down and accept all the crap this "institution" feeds you like you cower down to your wives and girlfriends. Get a sack people. Bombard Dr. Lee and whoever else you can think of and tell them what you want.

WHO THE F*CK came up with this brilliant traffic situation on gamedays? QB's guess: BOBBY TOMLINSON!!! I can just see this clown and his underlings sitting around a big table discussing how sending 50,000 fans for football or 10,000 fans for basketball out ONE WAY is a good idea. YOU ARE AN ASSCLOWN!!! There are about 10 ways to get off campus and yall come up with an idea to start closing off roads. After the Bama "game" there was no way to drive to the Bball game. Since you jackasses closed down the real roads QB made his own. Thank God for 4WD.

Which brings us to Wednesday night's Bball game. What good is it to buy a Lot B pass if you can't use it? All the Lot B entrances were blocked off because of RV parking for the football "game." THERE WERE 5 F'n RV's IN THERE!! Dr. Lee, Bobby T. and ******** will be receiving emails today. Once again the one in charge of traffic F'd another one up. CHAOS AND CONFUSION!!!!

All Right Jackie, your turn. QuitBeggin LOATHES YOU!!! You have LIED, CHEATED and MUMBLED time and time again. Praise God, you're gone. You act like you love State so much. You act like you want to do what's best for State. You are a FRAUD. If you cared about State you would have recruited. If you cared you would have "retired" last year (or better yet the year before last). If you cared you would have sat Fant, TK, Bradley and the rest of those NO TALENT ASSCLOWNS that YOU recruited and started playing the guys that will be playing next year. And for all you IDIOTIC F'n Sunshiner's, for the last time Sherrill DID NOT retire, HE WAS FIRED!! Why else would ******** still be working on a package to take care of him.

QB would like to haze ******** but he's getting tired of typing and ******** already knows how QB feels about him.

It's a great day, QB's back and Sherrill is gone. So enjoy this day State fans because it won't last long. ******** is still on staff and we still have the blunder that will be our next coach to look forward to.

Stans and Polk, you better produce winners this year because QuitBeggin can't take much more of this ****!!!!!!!!!!


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