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Karl Towns says he doesn't know if he'll ever get over the loss

by:Mrs. Tyler Thompson05/19/15


karlandfamily Tonight is the night we will probably find out Karl Towns' fate. At 8:30 p.m., the ping pong balls at the NBA Draft Lottery will tell us which team gets the #1 pick, and, most likely, Karl. In a lengthy interview with The New York Post's Steve Serby, Towns talked about what it would mean to play for the New York Knicks, his hometown team. A lot of the interview is typical, wonderful Karl saying typical, wonderful Karl things about the Knicks, which anyone with two eyes can see is his ideal destination; however, Serby asked a few questions about Kentucky, and, of course, the painful end to the season.
Q: Describe what you referred to as “the pain of 38-1.” A: It’s hard to be so perfect, but yet so faulty. And, that’s what we were. We just … we couldn’t finish it out. We couldn’t be perfect, absolutely perfect with no fault. It hurts a lot to know how close we were to perfection, how far we really were. It hurts a lot to think that with everything we felt was going right, it wasn’t even about being perfect, it was more about winning a championship and the fact that we were not able to capitalize on that, for me personally, it will haunt me for the rest of my life. Q: It sounds like you’re still not over it. A: I won’t be over it for a very, very long time. I don’t think I’ll ever be over it.
A trip to Mexico helped, but same, Karl. Same. Check out the rest of the interview for more typical, wonderful Karl. [New York Post]

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