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KSR's Top 10 Tweets of the Weekend

by:Courtney Hessler02/24/14
  [caption id="attachment_151968" align="alignnone" width="640"](Darrell Bird | Catpause) (Darrell Bird | Catpause)[/caption] It’s time again for KSR’s Top Tweets of the day. You can participate by using hashtags such as #BBN #KSR #KSRTop10 or just by simply tweeting @KySportsRadio. We will focus most of our attention on Kentucky sports-centric tweets but, as usual, there are no limits to our madness.   #10 Doug Gottlieb “Hold my coat, yo. It just got real”     #9 John Hieronmyus Your first mistake was going to the comment section. Don’t ever go to the comment section. Not even if there’s a fire.     #8 Eric Dixon This just seems like a bad combination at a basketball game.     #7 Seth Davis This seems more fun than Hungry Hungry Hippos.     #6 Jalen Whitlow I think you have the wrong Mike, Jalen.     #5 Drew Frankin I want to believe this is a joke….but…. it wouldn’t surprise me. Perhaps Canada just isn’t ready for Drew. They couldn’t even handle Bieber.     #4 John Yahnig That’s dedication. haters going to hate     #3 Brad Calipari Friendly reminder to all UK fans out there…if you’re sitting courtside, be aware you might be sitting next to the coach’s son. Better yet, know what the coach’s son looks like.     #2 Oscar Combs Apparently it does get worse than a 21-6 (violation free) season.     #1 Not Jerry Tipton My god. He’s right. @Sealey_KSR

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