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News and Notes on a Traveling Friday

by:Matt Jones09/07/06
(1) Know who this guy is? Dont worry if you dont, as it doesnt seem like the UK coaching staff does either. This is Nasir Robinsona 6'5" combo guard from Chester, Pa, who is one of the top recruits for the 2008 class. Robinson is ranked 45 in his class by (admittedly an unsure ranking considering how early it is), and recently did an interview with Rivals where he stated that not only was Kentucky his favorite team, but Antoine Walker was his favorite player. He mentioned in the interview that a number of schools had contacted him, including UConn, Pitt, Villanova, Tennessee, etc, but that even though they were his favorite team, Kentucky "hasn't had much to say to me." Dont get me started on this. I dont care if the staff decides that they dont want to offer this kid, he isnt that good, they have other options....blah blah blah. At this stage, you let kids hear from you. This is a top 50 player and a UK him. (2) 8 new starters in the football game on Saturday. Obviously there is no disputing the decision to start Micah Johnson and I dont expect another game to ever occur where he doesnt start from here on out. But how many of you had Dickie Lyons and Christian Johnson in your starting pools for Week 2? I expect the Cats to win, but if an upset occurs (which is not beyond the realm of possibility), watch out.... (3) This is a HUGE, I mean HUGE weekend for UK basketball recruiting. Both Patrick Patterson and JJ Hickson are visiting Florida this weekend, just as the Gators are being given their national championship rings. Kentucky is now legitimately a contender for Hickson and is one of the co-favorites for Patterson. What happens this weekend will be huge towards the Kentucky goal of getting at least one of these two guys. Worst case scenario....Hickson commits to the Gators on the spot and Patterson comes out saying he could see himself playing with Hickson (and Parsons and Tyus and Werner....etc). Best case scenario....both guys leave campus, had a good time but are ready to come to all of their other visits. Hope for the latter. (3) For those that didnt see the update, Jeff Brooks of Doss High School did visit UK on Wednesday. We hope to have Brooks on the air either next week or the week after. Most say that Brooks is a Louisville fan, but there is no indication yet that Louisville will offer....another Rondo situation perhaps? (4) Quick hit: Jai Lucas has an in-home visit scheduled with UK on September 17th. AJ Stewart is on the 19th. Patrick Patterson is on the 11th. Chris Barnes is sometime next week. These four we know. There could be others, but at this point no word that one is scheduled with Marshall Moses. But Tubby will be on the traveling scene for the next two weeks. Finally, listen to EPISODE 4. It is worth your time and has some good information. Also, scroll down and register for the "Choose or Lose" game. ITs free money y'all!!! One game is done (so you cant pick it) but there are still enough that you can win. You have until 5 pm. I am off to a wedding in Toledo, Ohio this weekend. Will have some stuff on Friday night and then look for Rob to take over this weekend on football stuff from the game. Enjoy....

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