I hate to compliment Ole Miss, but...


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
One thing I've found interesting is the lack of empathy and compassion shown the Palestinians by other Arab countries. There is a long deep history behind this going back to the PLO in the 60's and beyond . I've done some reading on the subject and like most things in middle east it very complicated and somewhat hard for a westerner to grasp. But it is very interesting and some commenting in this thread would benefit by reading up on the subject a bit.
I ain't got no time to read a bunch of gobbledygook written by a bunch of eggheads. I saw the movie with the old blue-eyed Jew himself.

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2015
One thing I've found interesting is the lack of empathy and compassion shown the Palestinians by other Arab countries. There is a long deep history behind this going back to the PLO in the 60's and beyond . I've done some reading on the subject and like most things in middle east it very complicated and somewhat hard for a westerner to grasp. But it is very interesting and some commenting in this thread would benefit by reading up on the subject a bit.
This is true, and minor religious sects that believe in the same prophets, messiahs, and god slaughter one another over those trivialities. 17in born again warlords.

To illustrate: imagine me wanting to decapitae preacherdawg, rape his wife and children before burning them alive because I think Calvinist predestination is stupid.

And to goats previous post about “people aren’t dumb, and they know”- if you think people in general, and especially young people, do their own research and make slow, deliberate decisions based on logical evidence and historical facts readily available to them instead of silly social stands based on snippets, YOU sir live in just as much of a imaginary world as a homosexual protesting for Hamas.

One truth is inescapable: we are living in a giant Simpsons episode. With the entire worlds known history and facts at our fingertips, we are now a human race that possesses all human knowledge, yet has no wisdom.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2014
This is true, and minor religious sects that believe in the same prophets, messiahs, and god slaughter one another over those trivialities. 17in born again warlords.

To illustrate: imagine me wanting to decapitae preacherdawg, rape his wife and children before burning them alive because I think Calvinist predestination is stupid.

And to goats previous post about “people aren’t dumb, and they know”- if you think people in general, and especially young people, do their own research and make slow, deliberate decisions based on logical evidence and historical facts readily available to them instead of silly social stands based on snippets, YOU sir live in just as much of a imaginary world as a homosexual protesting for Hamas.

One truth is inescapable: we are living in a giant Simpsons episode. With the entire worlds known history and facts at our fingertips, we are now a human race that possesses all human knowledge, yet has no wisdom.
Thank you for not wanting to decapitate me among other things.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
This is true, and minor religious sects that believe in the same prophets, messiahs, and god slaughter one another over those trivialities. 17in born again warlords.

To illustrate: imagine me wanting to decapitae preacherdawg, rape his wife and children before burning them alive because I think Calvinist predestination is stupid.

And to goats previous post about “people aren’t dumb, and they know”- if you think people in general, and especially young people, do their own research and make slow, deliberate decisions based on logical evidence and historical facts readily available to them instead of silly social stands based on snippets, YOU sir live in just as much of a imaginary world as a homosexual protesting for Hamas.

One truth is inescapable: we are living in a giant Simpsons episode. With the entire worlds known history and facts at our fingertips, we are now a human race that possesses all human knowledge, yet has no wisdom.
There are idiots still saying Leach wasn't a good coach. Ya think we can agree on much bigger issues?

mike tice

Active member
Sep 30, 2022
Well done!

I agree on the idiot Republicans, and I have been one up till now since 1980. If I will remain so depends on the next few months. That being said, you got one thing wrong. These people aren't pro-Palestinian. They are pro-Hamas. Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Look up what that means, and go back at least to mid WWII, it ain't pretty. I wonder if these students actually understand exactly what they are supporting.
Don’t you think goat knows that*
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2015
There are idiots still saying Leach wasn't a good coach. Ya think we can agree on much bigger issues?
Nope, I don’t. People who think Leach was a bad coach for Mississippi State ignore all the historical facts as well. It’s simple laziness and overconfidence in their own assumptions.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
These universities are reaping what they have sown. However, it’s not okay to just be satisfied with these indoctrination factories getting their comeuppance. Universities should be a place of free thought and discourse. Once that occurs, if these misguided students come to the same conclusion, so be it.
Having been involved in few Republican Party events and races and meeting with some important officials in the past, I'd get the usual "this will never leave the campus," "it's just crazy college kids and a few profs," and "wait until they have to get real jobs" kind of comments. Republicans ignored college campuses, except for sports and donations, and in that vacuum the left, especially the radical left moved in and established themselves. Far left ideas are mainstreamed now, the Uber woke become judges and leaders, and people with women's studies degrees join our government, our bureaucracy and non-profits and have nice careers creating rules and regulations that support their pet theories. They get jobs, they influence institutions and our govt that manages us because many are relentless in their goal to change society. Most of us have families, hobbies etc. so we don't pay attention and just call them crybullies or laugh about them being triggered about something. They are changing the culture nationally. For instance, how long will it take before every form used by businesses, the medical industry, govt asks for preferred pronouns and gender? Laugh all you want but such people are not deterred by memes.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Because humans are sinful and terrible at applying what their holy books say.
Or applying it depending on what they focus on. Israel might go all Old Testament on the Palestinians.
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Hot Rock

Active member
Jan 2, 2010
So you support the terrorism perpetuated...seems so. the Palestinian's do terrorism on a routine basis...just damn
I think you are the one you seems ignorant on the Middle East situation.
Probably before your parents made a terrible mistake but remember the 72 terror attack on the Olympics?

How in The 17 did you go there? Just saying some say the Palestinians are more blood Jews than the German Jews in Israel and some of them are actually Christians. It’s way more complicated than most understand.

what’s wrong with knowing facts?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
How in The 17 did you go there? Just saying some say the Palestinians are more blood Jews than the German Jews in Israel and some of them are actually Christians. It’s way more complicated than most understand.

what’s wrong with knowing facts?
I'll bite although I haven't read this exchange. What's a blood Jew and what distinguishes a blood Jew from a German Jew?

Hot Rock

Active member
Jan 2, 2010
You're correct but when bullets start flying, whether in Gaza or in an American university protest cesspool, you have to pick a side. Your last two sentences say it all.

I agree. I have zero good things to say about Hamas. If I could choose to wipe Hamas off the earth without the collateral damage of killing innocents, they'd been gone yesterday. I can find things to pick on the Israeli government for, but I hope they are around tomorrow and Hamas is gone.
I am good with some collate
So why are Muslims slaughtering Christians in Africa and other places ?
Religion - why did the Crusaders burn all the libraries? Religion. You know who developed the steam engine? Here’s a hint it wasn’t an American. Steam engine was around before Christ was born in Egypt.

You let religious groups control the govt and they justify killing due to their religious beliefs. If Jesus had wanted us to establish Theological States then he would have done so. Instead, he said, to care for poor, weak, incarcerated and be kind and welcoming to all. Nations are built by men, not God.
Sermon on the mount preached about caring for others, not killing them. You see the flaws with backing Christian Nationalism? It’s not of Christ.
I'll bite although I haven't read this exchange. What's a blood Jew and what distinguishes a blood Jew from a German Jew?
the DNA OF Palestinians is closer to being the descendants of Abraham than the ones in Israel. Jews in Israel came from Europe and around the world and have centuries of mixing DNA with other races. Take out the religious factor and it’s a gray area of who is Gods chosen people? It’s complicated is all I am saying. Yettish is a German thing, not a Jewish thing.


Active member
Jan 26, 2004
The only thing these morons accomplished was tainting a valid argument that there are many many Palestinians getting hosed in a **** situation - some of which being caused by Hamas, some of which by Israel. Those are humans that deserve concern and compassion like any other crapped on human.

The "protestors" seem to be more concerned with jerking off Hamas, antagonizing Jews, and breaking into and defacing property that doesn't belong to them. **** em. They deserve every strong reaction they get. To the small fraction of protesters that had their hearts in the right place, don't get hijacked by antagonists that just want to see the world burn next time.
Best summary of what's going on at the Ivy League 'protests' I've read in a while. The girl interviewed demanded that the university give them food and water because they purchased meal plans.



Active member
Dec 2, 2022
I agree with your basic point that both sides have some fault.

But when one side is willing to use civilians as human shields, steals humanitarian aid before it reaches women and children, stores their ammunition under hospitals, and has their military operations based in church offices, etc. - it is fairly obvious that one side is trying to lessen civilian casualties and one side is perfectly willing to sacrifice as many civilian lives as necessary.
considering that Israel had been bombing palestine day and night for 7 months now and have only killed around 32,000 gazans i would say that they are showing great restraint and accuracy. i know ,only 32,000 some might say, but if they were just wanting to slaughter Palestinians needlessly then they would have killed a whole lot more than they have.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Best summary of what's going on at the Ivy League 'protests' I've read in a while. The girl interviewed demanded that the university give them food and water because they purchased meal plans.

We really need a new work other than elite to describe people that come from affluent families and/or have worked there way up through the shells of what were once competent and trustworthy institutions.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
considering that Israel had been bombing palestine day and night for 7 months now and have only killed around 32,000 gazans i would say that they are showing great restraint and accuracy. i know ,only 32,000 some might say, but if they were just wanting to slaughter Palestinians needlessly then they would have killed a whole lot more than they have.
Well I don't think anybody has a credible number right now. 32,000 would be a pretty good number historically compared to the number of Hamas members killed (which I'm guessing Israel has a decent number for?), but I would not be shocked if it ultimately turns out to be even better. Just don't think Hamas is going to do anything other than significantly overstate the civilian casualties, and even in the fog of war, don't know that they'd realistically accidently end up near the real number.
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
We really need a new work other than elite to describe people that come from affluent families and/or have worked there way up through the shells of what were once competent and trustworthy institutions.
Your slander of universities aside, I tried to think of a word that would fit and came up with nothing. Trying to look it up, this is about the best I could do but don't really think it works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toff

I'd think bourgeoisie is the classic antonym of what you're trying to come up with?


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
If you are a Christian, you share a common Biblical genealogy with the Jewish people, and you share (I assume) many of the same values that were given to us directly from God through Moses (a Jew). This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. Our two religions diverged eventually when it came to Jesus being the Christ, and I hope eventually all Jews have an awakening and realize the truth at some point. But I don't want them to die because they aren't there in that belief yet. And they don't want me to die because I believe in Jesus. And there is no denying common ancestry and shared Godly core beliefs.

I hate to say it, but eventually every country (maybe every person) will have to choose a side in this war. So I look at the beliefs and actions of each side, and it's really REALLY easy to decide which side I need to be on. One side generally wants peace and to be left alone, the other generally wants perpetual war and for Jews, Christians, me, my family and my country to all die by sudden head loss.

It's a pretty easy choice if you ask me.
See. That's the thing. You don't have to pick a side. Both parties in this conflict are at fault.

Choosing a side won't stop the fighting. Ever.


Oct 22, 2013
Like teenagers in a family, college students are the adolescents of society. Nobody should give a rat's a$$ what they think. Go to college, choose a degree that pays, study, graduate, get a job, start paying taxes and contributing to society, and then just maybe someone will listen to you.
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Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
Your slander of universities aside, I tried to think of a word that would fit and came up with nothing. Trying to look it up, this is about the best I could do but don't really think it works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toff

I'd think bourgeoisie is the classic antonym of what you're trying to come up with?
House of Bourbon style man that brings me back. Good times, well until the heads came off and all.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Your slander of universities aside, I tried to think of a word that would fit and came up with nothing. Trying to look it up, this is about the best I could do but don't really think it works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toff

I'd think bourgeoisie is the classic antonym of what you're trying to come up with?
I wasn't slandering universities. I was referring to some universities (but truthfully, which isn't slander), and also media institutions (pretty much any of note that have existed for more than a decade or so), formerly non-partisan (or non-partisan'ish) government bodies, companies, non-profits, etc.

Bourgeoisie sort of captures the class aspect, but not sure it captures the incompetence and the abandonment of reason and logic.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Bourgeoisie sort of captures the class aspect, but not sure it captures the incompetence and the abandonment of reason and logic.
Bourgeoisie would generally be the opposite of campus protestors. Jeez louise Johnson, you really need to brush up on your Marx.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Best summary of what's going on at the Ivy League 'protests' I've read in a while. The girl interviewed demanded that the university give them food and water because they purchased meal plans.

I don't know if it's an American thing specifically, but I'm learning not to underestimate people's ability to be offended on behalf of others or to adopt the oppression of others and make it about themselves. It seems to cross age and politics as well. Comfortable people love to create a persecution story.

I guess it's how we feel alive in a very wealthy and free society? You got these comfy Ivy League kids pretending to be starved in the building they willingly broke into to accomplish absolutely nothing. And on probably the complete opposite end politically, how many Gagsden vanity plates have I a seen on $80k luxury pickups lately? Yeah man, you are so tread on you can afford a $1500 car note and the extra $50 bucks for the vanity plate (check made payable to the entity allegedly doing the treading no less!).


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Bourgeoisie would generally be the opposite of campus protestors. Jeez louise Johnson, you really need to brush up on your Marx.
Pretty sure the proletariat would be the opposite of the protesters? I mean, technically just responsible productive adults would be the opposite, but if you're putting it in Marxist terms, they're a bunch of spoiled brats being nonproductive while living off mommy and daddy's money or government loans that they aren't going to pay back. That seems much closer to the bougeoisie than the proletariat. I honestly thought you had used antynom on accident but wasn't going to call it out.

Or am I still missing what you're saying?

Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
See. That's the thing. You don't have to pick a side. Both parties in this conflict are at fault.

Choosing a side won't stop the fighting. Ever.
1. I think you only feel that way because the actual fighting does not involve us, and it's not on our soil. Yet. So YOU don't feel like you have to pick a side, today at least. The bigger picture is, the real fight is good vs. evil, and we will pretty much all have to pick one or the other at some point. I've already decided which side I'll be on.

2. The US (and Russia) choosing a side sure did help end World War II. You can bet that if we really, purposefully chose a side and actively participated in Gaza... we could put an end to that **** in about 5 minutes. Some people wouldn't appreciate the outcome, but we could end the fighting. Our government is trying to appease both sides currently, while all the fighting is over there and certain politicians need certain votes.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
I am good with some collate

Religion - why did the Crusaders burn all the libraries? Religion. You know who developed the steam engine? Here’s a hint it wasn’t an American. Steam engine was around before Christ was born in Egypt.

You let religious groups control the govt and they justify killing due to their religious beliefs. If Jesus had wanted us to establish Theological States then he would have done so. Instead, he said, to care for poor, weak, incarcerated and be kind and welcoming to all. Nations are built by men, not God.
Sermon on the mount preached about caring for others, not killing them. You see the flaws with backing Christian Nationalism? It’s not of Christ.

the DNA OF Palestinians is closer to being the descendants of Abraham than the ones in Israel. Jews in Israel came from Europe and around the world and have centuries of mixing DNA with other races. Take out the religious factor and it’s a gray area of who is Gods chosen people? It’s complicated is all I am saying. Yettish is a German thing, not a Jewish thing.
DNA sounds a lot better than blood. Mediterranean people are genetically alike.

Speaking of choseness, I'm Catholic. We're God's chosen people.*** He likes others too.

Hot Rock

Active member
Jan 2, 2010
How are Jews and Christian’s treated in the Arab countries ? How would they accept a missionary church for people in their countries who’ve become Christians ? Or the caliphate in Dearborn for that matter
What’s that got do with anything I said though?

Hot Rock

Active member
Jan 2, 2010
I haven’t read any of the posts, but I am assuming that the six pack has solved the Israel / Palestine issues?
Not yet but it has been simplified other heads. All palestisns are evil and must die.
Considering that Hamas has an 85% approval rating among Palestinians and they keep electing Hamas to leadership positions, I'd say that "pro-Palestinian" and "pro-Hamas" are two sides of the same coin.
where is this 85% number, I have not seen that. Was the same kind of number that Putin puts out after he kills anyone that dares question him.
They have not had an election in over a decade. Hamas only got into power because the previous govt was so corrupt. No elections since.

Hot Rock

Active member
Jan 2, 2010
Just to be clear, F**k Hamas ! But do not assume everything Israel does is right or should be defended. Lots of women and children been killed that had nothing to do with any of this.

Middle East… who knew this would be a mess? Just all of us.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Not yet but it has been simplified other heads. All palestisns are evil and must die.

where is this 85% number, I have not seen that. Was the same kind of number that Putin puts out after he kills anyone that dares question him.
They have not had an election in over a decade. Hamas only got into power because the previous govt was so corrupt. No elections since.
Google is your friend. You'll see numbers anywhere from 72 to 90%