Garrett waivering.......

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Goat Holder

Swan Lake reports that he is a medium committment, options open, will consider Florida State, etc. all the same **** he said about LSU. Apparently debuted as a 3* as well. We all saw this coming, but still kinda sucks because I wanted him to recruit for us, but he can't do that until he's a solid commitment. And who knows when that could be, hopefully sometime this summer so he'll be on our side during the fall when recruits are visiting during games.

Goat Holder

Swan Lake reports that he is a medium committment, options open, will consider Florida State, etc. all the same **** he said about LSU. Apparently debuted as a 3* as well. We all saw this coming, but still kinda sucks because I wanted him to recruit for us, but he can't do that until he's a solid commitment. And who knows when that could be, hopefully sometime this summer so he'll be on our side during the fall when recruits are visiting during games.

Goat Holder

Swan Lake reports that he is a medium committment, options open, will consider Florida State, etc. all the same **** he said about LSU. Apparently debuted as a 3* as well. We all saw this coming, but still kinda sucks because I wanted him to recruit for us, but he can't do that until he's a solid commitment. And who knows when that could be, hopefully sometime this summer so he'll be on our side during the fall when recruits are visiting during games.


Jun 4, 2007
SL = Gene's Sheep

That sucks about Garrett, it was to ggod to be true.
You know we can't get a good qb at MSU.
Aug 30, 2006
Call me crazy, but I think the more offers he gets the better the situation is for MSU. If it was say, us against just LSU, or just Alabama, I'd be very worried. But if he has 5 or 6 big time programs coming at him, I could see him going where the sheep say his "heart" is.
I'm just messing with you Goat, so don't get all defensive. However, every offer Garrett gets from a big time school reduces the odds that he comes to MSU in my opinion.


New member
Nov 15, 2005
well at least we are for a few more weeks.

Vuck Fanderbilt.

<span style="font-style: italic;"><doesnt have quite the same ring.></span>

Goat Holder

I'm just messing with you Goat
And a very lame attempt at that.

The comfort aspect of it, or where his "heart" is, is what I was talking about. It obviously went over your head.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
from a mile away? I hope he does come to MSU and recruits some receivers to us along the way. But if I were in his shoes, I'd have to think long and hard about whether or not I want to play for a coaching staff that has been as inept at coaching quarterbacks as Croom's staff has been. It's one thing to play for the school you grew up loving, but it's another to sacrifice your college career to do it.
Aug 30, 2006
menstrating this week b/c you are grumpy as hell. I wasn't attempting to bust your balls just making a little dig at you. I guess if you want to label it lame, that is fine.</p>

I understood completely what your point was about where his "heart" is and comfort levels.</p>

Take some Midol. It should ease the cramping (or so I have been told).</p>


New member
Jun 25, 2006
a chance to bow gracefully away from your "this year's DuBose" statement. I really was hoping ya'll might be right on that one.



New member
Jul 20, 2012
"It's one thing to play for the school you grew up loving, but it's another to sacrifice your college career to do it"

Exactly Pat. And that will be the conflict he faces all year until signing day.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
But if it were me, I think my mind would have been made up the day Croom gave McCorvey a 2-year extension.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I would screw with every recruiting guru and tell each of them something different to get them all in fluster.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
DesotoCountyDawg said:
I would screw with every recruiting guru and tell each of them something different to get them all in fluster.

</p>I was looking to help recruit players to my future school..he is going to take a serious look at these schools and compare that to what we show offensively in 2008. Count on that

Goat Holder

how big the disconnect is between what the coaches know and what the recruiting gurus know. Seems to me Garrett started waivering around the time when Russell got offered, coincidentally when the LSU offer came. Who knows. I don't know what started it all, but there may be a little discomfort between Croom and Garrett right now. I am probably looking too far into it.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Columbus Dawg said:
He needs to go play for a team that runs the spread doesn't he Coach?</p>

</p>actually he does. And let me tell your smartass why- because the spread can be adapted to your personnel very easily. And if your QB isnt much of a runner, you can throw it more. But whatever you run, spreading the field is the way to go.


New member
Jun 25, 2006
One big thing players look at today is the system you run. Back when we had Dunn, defensive players were fairly easy to recruit because they knew they would have fun in his system. Offensive players want to go to a fun system also. That's why it's easy for Texas Tech, for example, to recruit QB's and WR's. The top QB's in the country are going to give them a look. It sure ain't because of beautiful Lubbock,TX, I can tell you that. I believe Baylor signed 2 top 20 QB's this year. They know under Briles they are going to get to chunk it around in a fun system. So just quit bitching about us not signing QB's and WR's. The only chance we have at top quility ones is if they grew up State fans like Garrett.



Jun 4, 2007
<span class="post-title"><span class="post-title">The only spread we`ve run</span> is when we spread our cheeks and gave Croom`s buddy Woody a 37% raise..

That's some funny ****..</p>

Columbus Dawg

New member
Feb 23, 2008
So you've never seen us run a 3 or 4 WR set?

Do you or others who keep singing the same tune allow for the possiblity that our offense has looked like **** because we started the year with one of the worst starting QB's in SEC history. And that guy was followed by a true freshman with very limited arm strength? Isn't it possible that was a small factor?

Isn't a pro-style, west coast type offense, a perfect fit for Garrett who is a drop back, pocket style passer?


New member
Jul 20, 2012
"So you've never seen us run a 3 or 4 WR set?"

Its definitely not our set of preference and is only used when it has to be

"Do you or others who keep singing the same tune allow for the possiblity that our offense has looked like **** because we started the year with one of the worst starting QB's in SEC history. And that guy was followed by a true freshman with very limited arm strength"

Yet somehow, that offense had the strange same look as the offense had over the previous 3 years. When your head coach is on national TV during your spring game and calls a shovel pass a "trick play", you arent ever going to do many innovative things offensively.

"Isn't a pro-style, west coast type offense, a perfect fit for Garrett who is a drop back, pocket style passer?"

We run the I...We use other formations at times, but we are an I formation run based team. We ARE NOT a WC offense team that uses short passes on 1st and 2nd down to open up the running game.


Active member
Jul 9, 2006
After personally listening to some recruits in the last month or so, it seems that offensive and defensive systems and coaching philosophies are some of the most important factors (along with just the personalities of coaches and their relationships with their players and recruits). Surprising to me is that I have seldom heard early playing time as a priority. Nowadays the recommended track seems to be to red shirt your first year to get a good academic and football fundamentals base and then go from there. Many recruits seem to understand and accept this. 5 years seems to be the way to go (and better insures you get a degree). I think staffs are strongly suggesting this as well especially with the new APR rules.

Columbus Dawg

New member
Feb 23, 2008
Maybe we used the I formation because that is what the coaching staff felt gave us the best chance to win given our personel. You know, it's called adjusting your schemes to your talent. I would say it worked pretty well considering we went 8-5 and won a bowl game.

Give Croom Garrett at QB and some talented WR's like Patterson and Bumphis to go along with Elliott and others at RB and if we still aren't in the top 50 in offense then I will change my tune. Until then, it's just you spouting off much like you do about Stansbury and much like you did about Croom 4 years ago when you were on here everyday saying he would never win at MSU.



Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Columbus Dawg said:
Give Croom Garrett at QB and some talented WR's like Patterson and Bumphis to go along with Elliott and others at RB and if we still aren't in the top 50 in offense then I will change my tune.

It's Croom's responsibility to recruit the players who can run whatever offense he wants to run. He's been here 4 years and we're still one of the 10 worst offenses in the country. He's either failing at recruiting offensive players or he's failing and hiring offenseive assistant coaches. But the bottom line is, his offense isn't working. And that's his fault. And that makes it just that much harder to recruit talented offensive players.</p>
Aug 30, 2006
as an athlete/QB. I would be willing to bet that he doesn't really figure into the QB rotation in the future at LSU. He only completed 45% of his passes last year for less than a thousand yards. This guy has WR written all over him or maybe even a good DB. I doubt he will affect the status of Garrett's decision.

Russell Shepard (Rivals) (shows him as an athlete)
Russell Shepard (Scout) (shows him as a QB).

Columbus Dawg

New member
Feb 23, 2008
patdog, surely I don't have to tell you what a monumental disaster this program was in when Croom took over. It's amazing how few people realize how bad our offensive line was. Croom has done a good job of shoring up our line, but he has failed to bring in a top flight QB and blue chip receivers. The state of MS hasn't produced any QB's and very few receivers and Croom hasn't been able to find any out of the state that were willing to come. It appears that is about to change with Garrett and hopefully some skill players to go along with him. My only complaint about the system is it's apparent difficulty to learn, but I think we have made some changes to simplify. Other than that, the offense will perform better when we get better players. It has taken time to get us to this point and it will take more time to get us to the next level. I expect moderate improvement on offense this year, but we will still not rank very high in the statistics.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Columbus Dawg said:
Maybe we used the I formation because that is what the coaching staff felt gave us the best chance to win given our personel. You know, it's called adjusting your schemes to your talent. I would say it worked pretty well considering we went 8-5 and won a bowl game.

Give Croom Garrett at QB and some talented WR's like Patterson and Bumphis to go along with Elliott and others at RB and if we still aren't in the top 50 in offense then I will change my tune. Until then, it's just you spouting off much like you do about Stansbury and much like you did about Croom 4 years ago when you were on here everyday saying he would never win at MSU.


</p>And maybe we run the I because he is an over-conservative, pass only when you have to type of coach. As people around the nation have shown us, you can run the spread with any type of personel group. And if you think our offense was what caused us to go 8-5, you are sheep-type delusional. We went 8-5 and that was great. I really, really want to see us continue our success under this offensive regime. That would truly be miraculous.

As far as Garrett, thats what the whole thread is about- can Crooms bring in a top QB with this pee-wee offense he runs? Here you have a kid that has grown up as a Bulldog, his parents are very active for the University...Losing him would truly be an eye-opener to alot of people. We'll see what happens.

As far as Ricky goes, I've only been <17'ing> with people on here about him for 4 damn years, at some point you would think some of you would catch on.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
You don't have to tell me what a cluster<17> Croom inherited. I spent 3 years telling people on this board that our football program when Jackie left was in as bad shape as any in SEC history. Croom had plenty of excuses to suck in 2004. However, by 2007 he's got to be held accountable for the program no matter what shape it was in when he took over. And overall, he's done a decent job. But offensively, if anything, we're worse than we were the day Croom took the job. And it's hard to take over what Croom took over and actually get worse at anything.


New member
May 1, 2006
Look at the UK game, or the end of the Liberty Bowl, or the first drive against Auburn. When we are less predictable and make an effort to stay out of 3rd and long, we are actually decent on offense. Problem is we don't do that consistently. We get into a rut where we run every first down or throw some little 2 yard pass that leaves us in 3rd and 7 or longer. Wes Carroll is better than any of his predecessors at converting those, but the fact is if you put MSU in 3rd and longs we don't have the talent to overcome those consistently. It's not the system, it's the way we run it.


Jun 4, 2007
And who calls the plays?

Croom and Woody..

We will never get a good qb with our run offense..
If you think otherwise you are in for a rude awakening...
We won games this past year with our defense.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
"It's not the system, it's the way we run it."

agree. We stay so ultra-conservative, it doesnt matter what offense we run. And its been 4 years of it, not just this past season


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Coach34 said:
As far as Ricky goes, I've only been <17'ing> with people on here about him for 4 damn years, at some point you would think some of you would catch on.

Guys, I think this as close as we'll ever get to Coach admitting that Stans is a pretty damn good coach after all.</p>


New member
Jul 20, 2012
getting two threads from people arguing over Kirby was pretty damn good...


New member
May 28, 2007
It's another case of "facts have once again proven me wrong, so I'll say I'm just kidding" posts.

If we were 14-14 and NIT bound, there is a 0% chance that he would say that. He doesn't get a pass for being a douche for four years and calling it a joke.
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